Subpart 1.Automatic emergency power source.An automatic emergency power source shall be provided for essential lighting, equipment, and alarm systems which will restore the power within ten seconds in case of failure of normal power.
Subp. 2.Essential lighting.Essential lighting includes the following:
A. exitways and exit signs;B. surgical lights in operating rooms and general illumination in surgical corridors;C. laboratory, recovery room, nurses station, and in elevator; andD. boiler room and near source of emergency electrical service within surgical center building.Subp. 3.Essential equipment and alarm systems.Essential equipment and alarm systems:
A. nurses call and/or paging system;B. fire alarm system according to State Building Code's and state fire marshal's requirements;C. receptacles in operating and recovery rooms;D. receptacles for equipment that require continuous source of power; andE. elevator -- automatic or manual transfer to emergency electrical service where elevator is used for vertical transport of patients to operating rooms.Minn. R. agency 144, ch. 4675, PATIENT TREATMENT AREAS, pt. 4675.1500
Statutory Authority: MS s 144.56