Minn. R. agency 141, ch. 4410, ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT, pt. 4410.2550
The proposer of a specifc action may include in the information submitted to the RGU a preliminary draft EIS on that action for review, modifcation, and determination of completeness and adequacy by the RGU. The RGU may allow a proposer of a specifc action to prepare a preliminary draft environmental impact statement according to Minnesota Statutes, section 116D.04, subdivision 2a, paragraph (k). A preliminary draft EIS prepared by the project proposer and submitted to the RGU shall identify or include as an appendix all studies and other sources of information used to substantiate the analysis contained in the preliminary draft EIS. The RGU shall require additional studies, if needed, and obtain from the project proposer all additional studies and information necessary for the RGU to perform its responsibility to review, modify, and determine the completeness and adequacy of the EIS.
Minn. R. agency 141, ch. 4410, ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT, pt. 4410.2550
Statutory Authority: MS s 14.388