Subpart 1.Land description.If a particular route has been selected for the new (sections of) pipeline, indicate that route on an appropriate map. If no particular route has been selected, indicate on an appropriate map each possible route that has been given serious consideration.
Subp. 2.Description of environment.For each route identified in response to subpart 1, list:
A. the names of cities or population centers through which the route passes;B. the number of miles of the route that pass through, respectively, federal lands, state lands, county or tax-forfeit lands, incorporated areas, and private land outside incorporated areas;C. the general soil types along the route and the approximate percentage of each;D. the general terrain along the route;E. the types of vegetation along the route (including forest, brush, marsh, pasture, and cropland) and the approximate percentage of each;F. the predominant types of land use along the route (such as residential, forest, agricultural, commercial, and industrial) and the approximate percentages of each;G. the names of major lakes or streams and the number of wetlands of five acres or more through which the route passes, as well as any others into which liquid contaminant from the pipeline could flow;H. trunk highways, railroads, and airports along the route;I. national natural landmarks, national wilderness areas, national wildlife refuges, national wild and scenic rivers, national parks, national forests, national trails, and national waterfowl production areas through which the route passes, as mapped on the inventory of significant resources by the State Planning Agency;J. state critical areas, state wildlife management areas, state scientific and natural areas, state wild, scenic, and recreational rivers, state parks, state scenic wayside parks, state recreational areas, state forests, state trails, state canoe and boating rivers, state zoo, designated trout lakes through which the route passes, as mapped on the inventory of significant resources by the State Planning Agency; andK. national historic sites and landmarks, national monuments, national register historic districts, registered state historic or archaeological sites, state historical districts, sites listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and any other cultural resources through which the route passes, as indicated by the Minnesota Historical Society.Minn. R. agency 138, ch. 7853, ENVIRONMENTAL DATA FOR LARGE PETROLEUM PIPELINES, pt. 7853.0610
Statutory Authority: MS s 216B.08; 216B.2421; 216B.243; 216C.10