To be eligible for career and technical revenue, local education agencies shall meet the requirements in parts 3505.2400 to 3505.5900.
Approval requests shall be submitted annually by the local education agency to the commissioner of education. Only approved programs shall be eligible for career and technical revenue. Local education agencies submitting new program approval or alteration requests shall be notified in writing regarding approval, disapproval, recommended alteration, or delay of action within 20 working days after receipt of the request. When the program is disapproved or recommended for alteration, the notification shall include reasons for denial or changes. When applicable, the notice shall outline corrective actions for the program to qualify for approval upon resubmission. Approved programs and administrative services shall be supervised by the authorized local administrator. The local education agency shall resubmit each approved program for evaluation by the commissioner of education at least once every five years.
Minn. R. agency 129, ch. 3505, SECONDARY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION, pt. 3505.2400
Statutory Authority: MS s 121.11; 124.573; 124.574; L 2007 c 146 art 7 s 3