An assistant without a license may perform the following supportive procedures if the dentist or dental therapist is personally treating a patient and concurrently authorizes the assistant without a license to aid in treatment:
An assistant without a license may apply fluoride varnish without the dentist or physician being present in the dental office or facility or on the premises if the licensed practitioner with prescribing authority has prior knowledge of and has consented to the procedure being performed and maintains appropriate patient records of the treatment.
An assistant without a license may perform the following services if a dentist or dental therapist is in the dental office, personally authorizes the procedure, and evaluates the performance of the assistant before dismissing the patient:
The dentist is responsible for ensuring that any assistant working under the dentist's or dental therapist's supervision pursuant to subparts 1 to 1b:
An assistant must not perform any dental treatment or procedure on patient's not otherwise authorized by this chapter.
Minn. R. agency 125, ch. 3100, ALLIED DENTAL PERSONNEL, pt. 3100.8400
Statutory Authority: MS s 150A.04; 150A.06; 150A.08; 150A.10; 150A.11; 214.15; 319A.18