Minn. R. agency 123, ch. 3000, pt. 3000.0300
A hearing on proposed amendments to the sentencing guidelines, including any modifications of severity levels and criminal history scores, must proceed substantially in the manner specified in this part.
A person intending to testify regarding proposed amendments to the sentencing guidelines shall register with the commission before testifying by writing his or her name, address, telephone number, and the names of any individuals or associations that the person represents in connection with the hearing on a register to be provided by the commission. Persons may indicate to the commission in writing their desire to be informed of the date on which the proposed amendments will be considered for adoption at a public hearing under part 3000.0600.
The chair of the Sentencing Guidelines Commission shall convene the hearing at the proper time and shall explain to all persons present the purpose of the hearing and the procedure to be followed at the hearing. The chair of the commission shall notify all persons present that the record will remain open for five calendar days following the hearing for receipt of written comments concerning the proposed amendments. The commission shall give due consideration to all comments received within the five-day comment period.
The commission shall make copies of the proposed amendments available at the hearing.
Interested persons must be given an opportunity to address questions to the commission, its staff, or witnesses. The commission or its staff may question interested persons making oral statements. The questioning may extend to an explanation of the purpose of intended operation of a proposed amendment to the sentencing guidelines, or may be conducted for other purposes if material to evaluation or formulation of the proposed amendments.
Interested persons must be given an opportunity to present oral and written statements regarding the proposed amendments to the sentencing guidelines.
The commission shall make an audio recording of the hearing.
Minn. R. agency 123, ch. 3000, pt. 3000.0300
Statutory Authority: MS s 244.09