Part 7690.0550 - PROGRAM STATUS REPORT By April 1 of each year, an electric utility shall file with the department, and by May 1 of each year, a natural gas utility shall file with the department, a status report on each project operated during the previous year. The status report must include the following information for each project:
A. the approved participation goal, and the actual participants served during the previous calendar year;B. the estimate of (1) low-income and (2) renter residential customer participation levels as anticipated in the approved biennial conservation improvement program filing, and the utility's estimates of low-income participation level and renter participation level actually achieved, if applicable;C. the approved budget, and the actual expenditures;D. the approved energy- and demand-savings goals, and the actual energy and demand savings achieved for the previous year; andE. the cost-effectiveness of the project based on the results of previous years and the actual expenditures, as calculated from the utility, participant, ratepayer, and societal perspectives. An electric or gas utility may submit its financial incentive filing to meet the requirements of the status report if the financial incentive filing includes all of the information specified in items A to E.
Minn. R. agency 120, ch. 7690, pt. 7690.0550
Statutory Authority: MS s 216B.241