Minn. R. agency 119, ch. 2500, ACUPUNCTURE, pt. 2500.3000
Where nondisposable needles are used for acupuncture, the needles must be sterilized by:
Needles must be individually packaged for each patient. The individually packaged needles must either be discarded following patient treatment or sterilized according to the above methods of sterilization when nondisposable needles are used.
Needles must be disposed of according to the Infectious Waste Control Act, Minnesota Statutes, sections 116.75 to 116.83. In addition, all needles to be discarded must be sterilized and placed in a rigid puncture-resistant container before disposal. Noncorrosive needles must be used. An infectious waste disposal plan must be filed with the Department of Health.
Prior to engaging in acupuncture, a licensed chiropractor must be registered with the board. Prior to initial registration, the chiropractor must complete no less than 100 hours of study, in the utilization of acupuncture. Courses or seminars offered by accredited schools, the National Acupuncturists' Association, or separately approved by the board according to parts 2500.1200 to 2500.1600 shall be accepted by the board. The chiropractor must submit certification of completion of the approved course of study along with a $100 registration fee. In addition, the applicant must have successfully completed either the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners Acupuncture Examination or the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) Examination.
Doctors of chiropractic who are applying for licensure under the provisions of part 2500.0800 and who do not have proof of compliance with the requirements in the preceding paragraph, may satisfy the requirements by providing the board with an affidavit stating the following:
Upon applying to the board for registration, the doctor of chiropractic must submit the affidavit in addition to a $100 registration fee. An annual renewal fee of $50 is required in order to maintain registered status with the board.
The doctor of chiropractic is required to fulfill the continuing education requirements as set by the board in part 2500.1200 before a renewal of registration is granted.
It is unprofessional conduct to maintain unsanitary or unsafe equipment as it relates to the utilization of acupuncture.
Upon receiving a registration certificate from the board, a doctor of chiropractic may utilize acupuncture to prepare for or complement a chiropractic adjustment.
Any doctor of chiropractic who is separately registered according to Minnesota Statutes, chapter 147B, is exempt from subparts 2 and 5.
Within 14 days after the due date of acupuncture registration renewal, the board shall mail notices to applicants who have not completed registration.
Any registrant who fails to renew registration for more than 30 days after the due date for renewal, and who wishes to renew registration, must reapply for registration prior to providing acupuncture services, pay the initial registration fee, and pay the penalty fees in part 2500.1150.
Any registrant who fails to renew registration for more than one year but less than five years, and who wishes to renew registration, must reapply for registration prior to providing acupuncture services, pay the initial registration fee, pay the penalty fees in part 2500.1150, and complete ten hours of acupuncture-related continuing education for each year the registration was not renewed.
Any registrant who fails to renew registration for a period of more than five years and who wishes to renew registration, must reapply for registration prior to providing acupuncture services, pay the initial registration fee, pay the penalty fees in part 2500.1150, and successfully complete either the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners Acupuncture Examination or the NCCAOM Examination.
Any person continuing to provide acupuncture services while not authorized to do so is in violation of Minnesota Statutes, section 148.10.
Minn. R. agency 119, ch. 2500, ACUPUNCTURE, pt. 2500.3000
Statutory Authority: MS s 14.23; 148.08