Part 1900.2220 - ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND PROCESSES FOR ARTS ACCESS PROGRAMSubpart 1.Definition."Community" means a group of people located in a limited geographic area or a group of people possessing a common interest or identity.
Subp. 2.Purpose of program.The arts access program is designed to broaden opportunities for Minnesotans to participate in high quality arts experiences. Applicants must work with underserved groups or communities to identify barriers to participation and work collaboratively with the group or community to develop and implement strategies to reduce or remove those barriers.
Subp. 3.Uses of grants.Arts access funds may be used for the following purposes:
A. to provide opportunities for artistic experiences in underserved groups or communities; orB. to remove barriers to participation in the arts for all Minnesotans.Subp. 4.Criteria used by advisory panel and board to make grants.Each application shall be reviewed by an advisory panel that shall make recommendations to the board based on the degree to which the advisory panel finds that the applicant meets the criteria in items A to D.
A. The quality of the arts experience that must, at a minimum, be demonstrated by the following: (1) the artistic, creative, and cultural value of the proposed project; and(2) the relationship between the artistic programming, the applicant's mission, and the audience's needs.B. Commitment to and from the community that must, at a minimum, be demonstrated by the following: (1) the community is involved in the planning or execution of the project;(2) the project brings value, artistic or otherwise, to the community; and(3) efforts to make the programming accessible for persons with disabilities.C. Capacity for effective project administration that must, at a minimum, be demonstrated by the following: (1) the qualifications of the staff, artists, and other collaborators to design and execute the proposed programming;(2) a promotion plan that will attract broad public participation, or successfully target some other group;(3) a realistic budget that aligns with project and applicant goals; and(4) evidence of an ability to achieve consistent and measurable results.D. Effective evaluation and assessment that must, at a minimum, be demonstrated by the following: (1) an evaluation plan for the project that will measure the Arts Board's program and applicant's project outcomes;(2) an evaluation plan with processes, tools, and methods that are realistic and appropriate for the project; and(3) evidence of how evaluation plan results will be used to guide future planning and programming.Subp. 5.Additional eligibility requirements.An applicant must be:
A. a Minnesota organization that primarily serves Minnesotans;B. an organization that is exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, an unincorporated group that has an agreement with a Minnesota fiscal agent, or a Minnesota public entity or division of a public entity that has an arts affiliate as defined in part 1900.0310; andC. an arts organization or an arts affiliate as defined in part 1900.0310 that is engaged in producing or presenting activities or is an artist service organization.Subp. 6.Dollar amount of grants.The minimum and maximum amounts for grants, or any matching funds requirements, for the arts access program shall be determined by the board based upon available resources and shall be printed in current program information.
Minn. R. agency 112, ch. 1900, pt. 1900.2220