The definitions in this part apply to parts 1654.0010 to 1654.0070.
"Applicant" means an individual, corporation, limited liability company, cooperative, partnership, or joint venture who submits a completed application for assistance under the program to the authority.
"Application" means an application for financial assistance under the program in the form prescribed by the authority or its executive director.
"Authority" means the Rural Finance Authority established by Minnesota Statutes, section 41B.025, acting through its board or its duly authorized officers.
"Board" means the Rural Finance Authority Board as established in Minnesota Statutes, section 41B.025.
"Ethanol production facility" means a facility as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 41A.09, subdivision 2, paragraph (a).
"Executive director" means the executive director of the authority, or any other officer authorized to act on behalf of the authority's board or its executive director.
"Program" means the authority's ethanol production facility loan program.
Minn. R. agency 109, ch. 1654, pt. 1654.0020
Statutory Authority: MS s 41B.07