Minn. R. agency 102, ch. 1105, pt. 1105.2200
Cheating by an applicant in applying for, taking, or subsequent to the examination invalidates any grade otherwise earned by a candidate on any section of the examination, and may warrant summary expulsion from the test site and disqualification from taking the examination for a specified period of time as determined by the board.
For purposes of this part, the following actions or attempted activities, among others, may be considered cheating:
In any case in which it appears that cheating has occurred or is occurring, the examination administrator has the authority to take any actions that the administrator finds necessary to preserve the examination's integrity, including expelling the candidate from the examination.
In any case in which the board believes that it has evidence that a candidate has cheated on the examination, including those cases where the candidate has been expelled from the examination, the board shall conduct an investigation expeditiously following the examination session for the purpose of determining whether there was cheating, and if so what remedy should be applied. The board shall decide whether the candidate shall be:
In any case in which the board or its representative permits a candidate to continue taking the examination, it shall, depending on the circumstances, take one or more of the following actions:
In any case in which a candidate is refused credit for a section of the examination taken, or is disqualified from taking other sections, the board shall give the candidate a statement containing its findings, the evidence upon which the findings are based, and a notice of the right of the candidate to a formal hearing by the board, with right of appeal, pursuant to the procedures in Minnesota Statutes, section 326A.08, subdivision 6.
In any case in which the candidate is refused credit for any section of the examination taken, disqualified from taking any section of the examination, or barred from taking the examination in the future, the board shall provide to the board of accountancy of any other state to which the candidate may apply for the examination information as to the board's findings and actions taken.
The board may impose disciplinary action, as provided for in Minnesota Statutes, section 326A.08, subdivision 5, against an applicant, licensee, or certificate holder who discloses examination questions to any other entity or person, with or without compensation, or aids or abets another in obtaining examination questions.
Minn. R. agency 102, ch. 1105, pt. 1105.2200
Statutory Authority: MS s 326.18; 326A.02