Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 432.532 - Conduct of fantasy contestsRule 532.
(1) Available fantasy contests must be clearly displayed on the fantasy contest operator's or licensed management company's fantasy contest platform. A fantasy contest operator or licensed management company shall not accept fantasy contest entries for a fantasy contest unless the fantasy contest is clearly displayed on the fantasy contest operator's or licensed management company's fantasy contest platform. For fantasy contests that are open only to certain fantasy contest players, a fantasy contest operator or licensed management company may display the fantasy contests only to fantasy contest players to which the fantasy contests are open.(2) A fantasy contest operator or licensed management company shall not offer a fantasy contest that is designed, in whole or in part, to ensure that any specific fantasy contest player or players will win a prize or award, unless the fantasy contest or the prize or award, or both, is offered in connection with a promotion conducted in accordance with these rules.(3) A fantasy contest operator or licensed management company must establish the maximum number of entries a single fantasy contest player may enter in each fantasy contest, subject to both of the following:(a) The maximum number of entries for a given fantasy contest must be the same for all fantasy contest players.(b) A fantasy contest operator or licensed management company must clearly and conspicuously notify a fantasy contest player of the maximum number of entries for a fantasy contest before the fantasy contest player pays an entry fee or otherwise enters or participates in the fantasy contest.(4) Unless otherwise directed by the board, there is no prescribed limitation as to any of the following: (a) The minimum or maximum entry fee a fantasy contest operator or licensed management company may charge for a fantasy contest.(b) Subject to subrule (3) of this rule, the minimum or maximum number of entries a fantasy contest operator or licensed management company may allow a single fantasy contest player to enter in a fantasy contest.(c) The minimum or maximum number of aggregate entries a fantasy contest operator or licensed management company may allow all participating fantasy contest players to enter in a fantasy contest.(d) The minimum or maximum prize or award a fantasy contest operator or licensed management company may pay to a single winning fantasy contest player or all winning fantasy contest players in a fantasy contest.(5) Subrule (4) of this rule does not preclude a fantasy contest operator or licensed management company from establishing its own relevant minimums or maximums for reasons considered necessary or appropriate by the fantasy contest operator or licensed management company or as otherwise required by the act and these rules.(6) Unless otherwise approved by the board, a fantasy contest platform must provide to a fantasy contest player for review and confirmation all fantasy contest entry information, including, but not limited to, fantasy contest team selections, before a fantasy contest entry is accepted.(7) On acceptance of a fantasy contest entry, an electronic record of the fantasy contest entry must be provided to or made available to the fantasy contest player. Unless otherwise approved by the board, the electronic record must contain the following minimum information:(a) Unique identification number or other identifier of the fantasy contest.(b) The date and time the fantasy contest entry was entered.(c) The date and time the fantasy contest will begin.(d) The date and time the fantasy contest is expected to be settled or a general statement explaining that the fantasy contest will be settled following the completion of all athletic events on which the fantasy contest is based.(e) Identification of the individual athletes selected by the fantasy contest player to form the fantasy contest team.(f) Identification of the athletic event or athletic events from which the statistical results of the performance of each individual athlete will be obtained for purposes of determining the fantasy contest outcome.(g) Any special condition or conditions applying to the fantasy contest entry.(h) Entry fee paid, including any promotional or bonus credits, if applicable.(i) Prize or award amounts offered to winning fantasy contest players.(8) Except as otherwise provided in these rules or applicable state or federal law, a fantasy contest operator or licensed management company must pay winning fantasy contest players following the completion of the athletic events on which the fantasy contest was based and determination of the fantasy contest outcome.(9)A fantasy contest operator or licensed management company may only cancel an accepted fantasy contest entry if any of the following apply:(a) If the cancellation is required under these rules, including, but not limited to, R 432.532h.(b) If the fantasy contest operator or licensed management company determines a particular fantasy contest entry or an entire fantasy contest must be cancelled due to suspicious behavior or a concern regarding the integrity of the fantasy contest identified in accordance with R 432.534a.(c) If the cancellation is provided for in and executed in accordance with the fantasy contest operator's or licensed management company's fantasy contest rules or terms adopted pursuant to R 432.536.(d) If the cancellation is necessary to resolve a fantasy contest platform, fantasy contest entry, or fantasy contest error or malfunction.(e) If the fantasy contest operator or licensed management company requests and receives prior written approval of the board to cancel the fantasy contest entry.(10) A fantasy contest operator or licensed management company must retain records of each fantasy contest it conducts for a minimum of 3 years and must provide the records to the board on request.Mich. Admin. Code R. 432.532
2023 MR 20, Eff. 10/11/2023