Mich. Admin. Code R. 432.18

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 432.18 - Payment of prizes

Rule 18.

(1) The bureau shall make payment of prizes as soon as reasonably possible after the claim has been filed, verified, and the claimant identified to the satisfaction of the commissioner.
(2) The commissioner shall establish a schedule for payment of certain major prizes in installments rather than a lump sum.
(3) The bureau shall make payment of prizes by mail, when applicable, to the claimant at the address that the claimant entered on the claim form.
(4) When a drawing or ceremony is conducted, winners shall receive payment in full, or if applicable, the first installment of a prize, at an appointment scheduled with the bureau as soon as practicable after the drawing. The bureau shall make payment by state treasurer's warrant, special check, or in any other manner determined by the commissioner in advance of the drawing.
(5) The agents, officers, and employees of the state and the bureau are discharged of all liability upon payment of a prize to a claimant.
(6) Upon the death of a prize winner who has not yet collected the full amount of his or her minimum guaranteed prize, the bureau shall continue payment in the manner specified by law. Unless specifically provided for by law, the bureau shall not accelerate payment of prize money before its normal date of payment because of the death of the prize winner. The amount paid will not exceed the minimum prize guarantee as indicated in the game directive.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 432.18

1979 AC; 1998-2000 AACS; 2006 AACS; 2009 AACS