Mich. Admin. Code R. 247.105

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 247.105 - Screening

Rule 5.

(1) Appropriate screening materials and location of screening installations will be chosen by the department. Screening materials may consist of landscape plantings, screen fences, earth mounds, or other appropriate means. In selecting screening materials, consideration will be given to existing conditions at each site so an effective and attractive screen installation can be provided for. Where adequate existing screening occurs on a portion of the site to be screened, such existing features will be incorporated in the overall screening proposed for the site.
(2) The location of screening installations will be selected with consideration given to the following factors:
(a) A location that effectively screens existing stored junk.
(b) A location that allows the use of the minimum practical amount of screening both as to length and height of installation.
(c) A location which does not adversely affect safe operation of the highway.
(d) A location that considers the operating interests of the junk yard owner consistent with screening requirements.
(e) Combination business interests, where existing, will be recognized. Screen locations may provide for unscreened business areas off the highway right-of-way. Such business areas may not be used for storage of existing or future junk.
(f) Locations near property lines will be used insofar as such locations do not require substantial additional screening.
(g) Where feasible, considering practical and economic aspects, screening will be placed on existing highway right-of-way.
(h) Where necessary, screening will be located off the highway right-of- way. Highway beautification easements will be secured for the use of land outside the highway right-of-way required to construct and maintain screening installations. Junk materials located on areas required for screening installations will be moved prior to construction of the installation.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 247.105

1979 AC