Rule 1. Motorcycle helmets shall meet the model specifications established by the United States Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. These specifications, located at and identified as "Motorcycle Helmets", 49 C.F.R. § 571.218, published April 15, 1988 in the Federal Register (53 FR 12529), effective October 3, 1988, are adopted in these rules by reference. Printed copies of 49 C.F.R. § 571.218 are available for inspection and for distribution to the public at cost at the offices of the Michigan Department of State Police, Special Operations Division, Traffic Services Section, 714 S. Harrison Road, East Lansing, Michigan 48823. Printed copies of Chapter 49, Transportation, Pts. 400-999, containing 49 C.F.R. § 571.218, are also available from the United States Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, Pa 15250-7954, at a cost of $57.00 at the time of the adoption of this rule.
Mich. Admin. Code R. 28.951