Mich. Admin. Code R. 281.727.2

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 281.727.2 - Sylvania recreation area lakes; motorboats prohibited

Rule 2. On the waters of the following lakes in the Sylvania recreation area, town 44 north, range 39 west; town 44 north, range 40 west; and town 44 north, range 41 west, township of Watersmeet, county of Gogebic, state of Michigan: Banks lake, Clark lake, Corey lake, Cub lake, Daisy lake, Deer Island lake, Dorothy lake, Dream lake, East Bear lake, Elsie lake, Fisher lake, Florence lake, Germain lake, Glimmerglass lake, Golden Silence lake, Hay lake, Helen lake, High lake, Honey lake, Jay lake, Johnston Springs lake, Katherine lake, Kerr lake, Lilius lake, Lois lake, Loon lake, Louise lake, Marsh lake, Moss lake, Mountain lake, Snap Jack lake, Trapper lake, West Bear lake, and Whitefish lake, and those other unnamed lakes located in town 44 north, range 40 west; sections 13 and 24, town 44 north, range 41 west, and those parts of sections 6, 7, 18, 19, and 30, town 44 north, range 39 west, lying west of United States forest road no. 112, no person shall operate any vessel propelled by machinery.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 281.727.2

1979 AC