Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 281.70 - Jordan river system boundaries, effective dateRule 20.
(1) The boundaries of the Jordan river natural river district shall be as described in these rules and as depicted on the certified Jordan river natural river zoning map with an effective date of September 25, 1974. The Jordan river natural river zoning district comprises an area which is described as follows: (a) The mainstream of the Jordan river from the west line of section 22, T31N, R5W to Roger's bridge in section 35, T32N, R7W.(b) Bennett creek from the outfall of Mud lake in section 15, T 31N, R7W to its confluence with the Jordan river.(c) Todd creek from Carson road from the west line of section 31, T32N, R6W to its confluence with the Jordan river.(d) Bartholemew creek from its source in section 14, T31N, R7W to its confluence with the Jordan river.(e) Severance creek from its source in section 5, T31N, R6W to its confluence with the Jordan river.(f) Webster creek from its source in section 8, T31N, R6W to its confluence with the Jordan river.(g) Lilak creek from its source in section 13, T31N, R7W to its confluence with the Jordan river.(h) Martin creek from its source in section 19, T31N, R6W to its confluence with the Jordan river.(i) Balster-Mill creek from its source in section 15, T31N, R6W to its confluence with the Jordan river.(j) Unnamed stream from its source in section 21, T31N, R6W to its confluence with Balster-Mill creek.(k) Sutton creek from the Old state road crossing in section 22, T31N, R6W to its confluence with the Jordan river.(l) Cokirs creek from its source in section 24, T31N, R7W to its confluence with the Jordan river.(m) Scotts creek from its sources in section 28, T31N, R6W to its confluence with the Jordan river.(n) Tutstone creek from its source in section 33, T31N, R6W to its confluence with the Jordan river.(o) Unnamed stream from its source in section 33, T31N, R6W to its confluence with the Jordan river.(p) Green river from its source in section 27, T30N, R6W to its confluence with the Jordan river.(q) Stevens creek from its source in section 16, T30N, R6W to its confluence with the Jordan river.(r) Unnamed stream from its source in section 35, T31N, R6W to its confluence with the Jordan river.(s) Landslide creek from its source in section 14, T30N, R6W to its confluence with the Jordan river.(t) Cascade creek from Alba road in section 22T30N, R6W to its confluence with Landslide creek.(u) Section 13creek from its source in section 13, T30N, R 6W to its confluence with the Jordan river.(v) Six tile creek from its source in section 6, T30N, R5W to its confluence with the Jordan river.(w) All lakes, ponds, impoundments or other surface water bodies not traditionally considered rivers, streams or creeks if they are a contiguous part of the stream segments listed in subdivisions (a) to (v) of this subrule.(x) The lands lying within 400 feet of the river's edge as described in subdivisions (a) to (w) of this subrule.Mich. Admin. Code R. 281.70