Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 281.58 - BridgesRule 8.
(1) A bridge for any designated natural river shall conform to all of the following: (a) An existing bridge that is destroyed by any means, whether on a tributary or mainstream segment, may be replaced. On a mainstream segment or a tributary, subject to mainstream development standards, a destroyed pedestrian bridge may not be replaced with a vehicle bridge. An application for replacement of a destroyed bridge shall be submitted within 12 months of destruction or the replacement bridge shall be considered a new bridge and shall be subject to the standards for a new bridge.(b) A replacement bridge on any mainstream segment or tributary subject to mainstream development standards shall span the bankfull channel, have a minimum clearance of 5 feet between the ordinary high-water mark and the bottom of the bridge deck and/or deck supports other than abutments, and be a bottomless structure.(c) A permanent bridge replacing a bottomless bridge on any tributary not subject to mainstream development standards shall span the bankfull channel and be a bottomless structure, and in the case of any pedestrian bridge, constructed in order to exclude the use by any wheeled or tracked motorized vehicle or snowmobile.(d) A permanent bridge replacing a bridge without a natural bottom on a tributary not subject to mainstream development standards shall be recessed and span the bankfull channel, and, in the case of any pedestrian bridge, be constructed to exclude the use by any wheeled or tracked motorized vehicle or snowmobile.(e) A new bridge of any type is prohibited on any mainstream segment and on any tributary subject to mainstream development standards.(f) A new bridge is not permitted on any designated river segment on any parcel that is created after the effective date of these rules, other than on the original parent parcel.(g) A new pedestrian bridge may be permitted on a tributary not subject to mainstream development standards provided the lands connected by a new bridge are collectively owned by 1 person.(h) A new permanent bridge on a tributary not subject to mainstream development standards shall span the bankfull channel and be a bottomless structure and, in the case of a pedestrian bridge, be constructed to exclude the use by any wheeled or tracked motorized vehicle or snowmobile.(i) A new permanent vehicle bridge on a tributary not subject to mainstream development standards requires a special use permit as specified in R 281.55.(j) Only 1 bridge is permitted to access a portion of land that is otherwise inaccessible from the owner's contiguous property.(k) A temporary vehicle bridge on a tributary not subject to mainstream development standards for the purpose of access for timber harvest may be permitted provided it is constructed in a manner that minimizes impacts to the stream and aquatic organisms and shall be removed immediately after timber harvesting activities. All disturbed areas in the natural vegetation strip shall be revegetated with native vegetation, any fill placed shall be removed, and the land shall be returned to its original grade as soon as possible after removal of the bridge.Mich. Admin. Code R. 281.58