Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 281.56 - Zoning permit; site plan; certificate of zoning complianceRule 6.
(1) A building or other structure shall not be erected, moved, added to, or structurally altered, and a land use shall not be commenced, without a zoning permit issued by the zoning administrator. A permit shall not be required for an exempt structure, use, or activity as specified in R 281.53.(2) An application for a zoning permit shall include a site plan for the entire area proposed for development. The zoning administrator, in the case of a principal use or minor variance application, or the zoning review board, in the case of a special use or variance application, may require adjustments in the site plan as a condition for approval to ensure that the proposed development meets all standards contained in these rules. Except as otherwise waived by the zoning administrator, in the case of a principal use or minor variance application, or waived by the zoning review board, in the case of a special use or variance permit application, a site plan shall show and include all of the following, either existing or proposed: (a) A site plan drawn to scale, with the scale indicated.(b) Property dimensions, including river frontage.(c) Size, shape, use, and location of existing and proposed buildings or improvements, including distances to adjacent property boundaries and the river's edge.(d) Existing vegetation, including the location and type.(e) Adjacent streets and highways.(g) Cross-section drawing showing height of buildings above water level and bluff heights.(h) Entrances to public streets.(i) Description of the building design, including proposed construction materials.(k) Location and description of the method to dispose of sanitary waste.(l) Proposed landscaping.(m) Location of footpaths.(n) Signs proposed, including the size, location, and material.(q) Detailed site location map.(r) Any additional information required by the zoning administrator or zoning review board to carry out the administrator's or board's duties. Additional information may include all of the following:(iii) Building elevations.(v) Anticipated traffic volume.(3) A structure or lot for which a zoning permit has been issued shall not be occupied, and a use for which a zoning permit has been issued shall not commence, until the zoning administrator has issued a certificate of zoning compliance. The issuance of a certificate of zoning compliance shall not be construed as waiving any provision of these rules. A record of all certificates of zoning compliance issued shall be kept on file in the office of the zoning administrator. A certificate of zoning compliance shall not be interpreted as substitute for a certificate of occupancy required by local building code or local zoning permit.Mich. Admin. Code R. 281.56