Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 281.190 - Upper Manistee river system boundariesRule 140. The boundaries of the Upper Manistee river natural river district shall be as described in these rules and as depicted on the certified Upper Manistee river natural river zoning map with an effective date of December 27, 2004. The Upper Manistee river natural river zoning district comprises an area that is described as follows:
(a) The Manistee river mainstream from its sources in sections 1 and 12, T29N, R5W to the Wexford/Missaukee county line.(b) Frenchman's creek from the Lake Elizabeth dam in section 30, T29N, R4W to its confluence with the Manistee river.(c) Lost Lake outlet from the outfall of Lost lake in section 6, T28N, R4W to its confluence with the Manistee river.(d) An unnamed stream from its source in section 13, T2 8N, R5W to its confluence with the Manistee river.(e) Goose creek from Cameron bridge road to its confluence with the Manistee river.(f) Portage creek from the control structure near the outfall of Lake Margrethe, section 8, T26N, R4W to its confluence with the Manistee river, including all braided channels.(g) All perennial tributaries to Portage creek from their sources to their confluence with Portage creek.(h) Clear creek from its source at Boiling springs in section 28, T26N, R5W to its confluence with the Manistee river.(i) Black creek from the outfall of south Black lake in section 21, T27N, R5W to its confluence with the Manistee river, including all braided channels.(j) All perennial tributaries to Black creek from their sources to their confluence with Black creek.(k) Dempsey creek from its source in section 19, T26N, R5W to its confluence with the Manistee river.(l) Big Devil creek from its source in section 18, T2 5N, R5W to its confluence with the Manistee river.(m) Big Cannon creek from its source in section 5, T24N, R5W to its confluence with the Manistee river.(n) The north branch Manistee river from county road 612 in section 3, T27N, R6W to its confluence with the Manistee river.(o) An unnamed stream from Tower road in section 25, T 28N, R6W to its confluence with the north branch Manistee river.(p) Morrison creek from its source in section 28, T27N, R6W to its confluence with the north branch Manistee river.(q) Collar creek from its source in section 33, T27N, R6W to its confluence with Morrison creek.(r) Flowing Well creek from its sources in section 26, T27N, R6W to its confluence with Morrison creek.(s) All other perennial tributaries to the north branch Manistee river from their sources to their confluence with the north branch Manistee river.(t) Willow creek from its source in section 14, T26N, R7W to its confluence with the Manistee river.(u) Pierson creek from its source in section 12, T26N, R7W to its confluence with Willow creek.(v) Maple creek from its source in section 22, T26N, R7W to its confluence with the Manistee river.(w) Little Cannon creek from multiple sources in sections 29, 31 and 32, T25N, R6W to its confluence with the Manistee river.(x) Silver creek from its source in section 1, T24N, R7W to its confluence with Little Cannon creek.(y) Waterhole creek and all tributaries from their multiple sources in T25N, R7W to the confluence with the Manistee river.(z) Babcock creek from its sources in section 33, T25N, R7W to its confluence with the Manistee river.(aa) Filer creek from its source in section 4, T24N, R7W to its confluence with the Manistee river.(bb) Nelson creek from its sources in section 30, T25N, R7W to its confluence with the Manistee river.(cc) Spring creek from its sources in section 22, T25N, R8W to its confluence with the Manistee river.(dd) Bourne creek from its sources in section 29, T25N, R8W to its confluence with the Manistee River.(ee) Ham creek from its source in section 24, T24N, R8W to its confluence with the Manistee river, including two tributaries with sources in sections 3 and 9.(ff) Gravy creek from its source in section 5, T24N, R8W to its confluence with the Manistee river.(gg) Haynes creek from its source in section 31, T25N, R8W to its confluence with the Manistee river.(hh) Hopkins creek from its source in section 17, T23N, R7W to its confluence with the Manistee river.(ii) Fisher creek (also known as Hopkins creek on the United States Geological Survey topographic map) from its source in section 31, T25N, R8W to its confluence with the Manistee river.(jj) All lakes, ponds, impoundments or other surface water bodies not traditionally considered rivers, streams, or creeks if they are a contiguous part of the stream segments listed in subdivisions (a) to (ii) of this rule.(kk) The lands lying within 400 feet of the river's edge as described in subdivisions (a) to (jj) of this rule.Mich. Admin. Code R. 281.190