Mich. Admin. Code R. 281.180

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 281.180 - Pine river system boundaries

Rule 130. The boundaries of the Pine river natural river district shall be as described in these rules and as depicted on the certified Pine river natural river zoning map with an effective date of December 27, 2004. The Pine river natural river zoning district comprises an area that is described as follows:

(a) The Pine river mainstream, from the confluence of the North Branch Pine river and the East Branch Pine river in section 29, T 20N, R10W to M-55.
(b) The north branch Pine river from its easternmost crossing of the north line of section 20, T21N, R9W to its confluence with the east branch Pine river. Lands adjacent to the north branch Pine river from its confluence with Spalding creek to its confluence with the east branch are subject to mainstream development standards in R 281.88.
(c) Spalding creek from 46 road in section 16, T21N, R10W to its confluence with the north branch Pine river.
(d) Fairchild creek from its source in section 13, T 21N, R11W to its confluence with the north branch Pine river.
(e) Sixteen creek from its source in section 2, T20N, R10W to its confluence with the north branch Pine river.
(f) An unnamed stream from the outfall of a dam in section 8, T20N, R 10W to its confluence with the Pine river.
(g) The east branch Pine river from the outfall of a lake in section 1, T20N, R10W to its confluence with the north branch Pine river.
(h) The Rose lake outlet from its sources at the outfall of Rose lake in section 3, T19N, R9W and the outfall of Emery lake in section 34, T20N, R9W, to its confluence with the east branch Pine river.
(i) Edgett creek from 190th road in section 36, T20N, R10W to its confluence with the Rose lake outlet including both branches of the Diamond lake outlet from their sources in section 26, T 20N, R10W to the confluence with Edgett creek.
(j) An unnamed stream from its source in section 20, T20N, R9W to its confluence with the Rose lake outlet.
(k) Sprague creek from the outfall of a pond in the center of section 33, T20N, R10W to its confluence with the Pine river.
(l) Beaver creek from the north/south centerline of section 11, T 19N, R10W to its confluence with the Pine river.
(m) Little Beaver creek from the outlet of a large pond in the northeast 1/4 of section 19, T19N, R10W to its confluence with Beaver creek.
(n) An unnamed stream from the outfall of the southernmost of two ponds in section 14, T 19N, R11W to its confluence with the Pine river.
(o) Coe creek from the outfall of Lake Olga in section 1, T20N, R11W to its confluence with the Pine river.
(p) Dyer creek from the outfall of a small pond in section 13, T20N, R11W to its confluence with Coe creek.
(q) Sellars creek from its source in section 21, T 20N, R11W to its confluence with the Pine river.
(r) An unnamed stream from its source in section 20, T20N, R11W to its confluence with the Pine river.
(s) An unnamed stream from its source in section 19, T20N, R11W to its confluence with the Pine river.
(t) An unnamed stream from its source in section 24, T20N, R12W to its confluence with the Pine river.
(u) Silver creek from its source in section 15, T20N, R11W to its confluence with the Pine river, including all perennial tributaries from their sources to their confluence with Silver creek.
(v) An unnamed stream from its source in section 13, T20N, R12W to its confluence with the Pine river.
(w) An unnamed stream from its source in section 11, T20N, R12W to its confluence with the Pine river.
(x) An unnamed stream from its source in section 7, T20N, R11W to its confluence with the Pine river.
(y) An unnamed stream from the west line of section 6, T20N, R11W to its confluence with the Pine river.
(z) Poplar creek from its source in section 26, T21N, R11W to its confluence with the Pine river.
(aa) Dowling creek from its 2 sources in sections 21 and 28, T21N, R11W to its confluence with Poplar creek.
(bb) Hoxey creek from its source in section 25, T21N, R12W to its confluence with the Pine river.
(cc) An unnamed creek from its sources in section 27 and 34, T21N, R12W to its confluence with the Pine river.
(dd) Yates creek from its source in section 22, T21N, R12W to its confluence with the Pine river.
(ee) All lakes, ponds, impoundments or other surface water bodies not traditionally considered rivers, streams, or creeks if they are a contiguous part of the stream segments listed in subdivisions (a) to (dd) of this rule.
(ff) The lands lying within 400 feet of the river's edge as described in subdivisions (a) to (dd) of this rule.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 281.180

2004 AACS; 2013 AACS