Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 281.135 - Boundaries; interpretation of boundaries; filing of zoning mapRule 5.
(1) The boundaries of the Betsie river natural river district shall be as described in these rules and as depicted on the certified Betsie river natural river zoning map. The Betsie river natural river zoning district comprises an area which is described as follows:(a) The Betsie river from Grass lake dam in section 2, T25N, R13W, in Benzie county to its mouth at Betsie lake in section 35, T26N, R16W, including Thompsonville pond.(b) The Little Betsie river from its headwaters in section 24, T 25N, R13W, in Benzie county to its confluence with the Betsie river in section 25, T25N, R14W.(c) Dair creek from its headwaters in section 15, T25N, R14W, in Benzie county to its confluence with the Betsie river in section 19, T25N, R14W.(d) The lands lying within 400 feet of the river's edge which are enumerated in subdivisions (a) to (c) of this subrule.(2) Where uncertainty exists with respect to the boundaries of the district as shown on the zoning map, all of the following provisions shall apply:(a) Boundaries that are indicated as approximately following the centerline of streets or highways shall be construed to follow the centerline.(b) Boundaries that are indicated as approximately following lot lines shall be construed as following the lot lines.(c) Boundaries that are indicated as approximately following city, village, township, or county boundary lines shall be construed as following the city, village, township, or county boundary lines.(d) Boundaries that are indicated as following railroad lines shall be construed to be midway between the right-of-way lines.(e) Boundaries that are indicated as following shorelines shall be construed to follow the shorelines, and, in the event of change in the shorelines, shall be construed as moving with the actual shorelines. Boundaries that are indicated as approximately following the centerline of streams, rivers, canals, lakes, or other bodies of water shall be construed to follow the centerline.(f) Boundaries that are indicated as parallel to or extensions of features specified in subdivisions (a) to (e) of this subrule shall be so construed. Distances that are not specifically indicated on the official zoning map shall be determined by the scale of the map.(g) Where physical or natural features that exist on the ground are at variance with those shown on the official zoning map or in other circumstances are not covered by the provisions of subdivisions (a) to (f) of this subrule, the zoning review board shall interpret the district boundaries.(h) Insofar as a portion or all of the district may be indicated on the zoning map by a pattern which, for the sake of map clarity, does not cover public rights-of-way, it is intended that the district boundaries do extend to the center of any public right-of-way.(3) Certified copies of the Betsie river natural river zoning map shall be filed with all of the following entities:(a) The state tax commission.(b) Local tax assessing officers.(c) Township and county clerks.(d) The natural rivers unit of the Michigan department of natural resources.Mich. Admin. Code R. 281.135