Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 281.130 - Pere Marquette river system boundariesRule 80. The boundaries of the Pere Marquette river natural river district shall be as described in these rules and as depicted on the certified Pere Marquette river natural river zoning map with an effective date of July 15, 1981. The Pere Marquette river natural river zoning district comprises an area which is described as follows:
(a) The mainstream of the Pere Marquette from the junction of the middle Branch and the little South Branch, commonly known as the "forks" located in section 22, T17N, R13W to Pere Marquette road in section 25, T18N, R18W, excluding that portion of the river within the city of Scottville.(b) Swan creek from Darr road section 5, T17N, R16W to its confluence with the Pere Marquette river.(c) Weldon creek from the outfall of Romeo lake in section 9, T18N, R15W to its confluence with the Pere Marquette river.(d) The Big South Branch from the confluence of Beaver creek with Winnepesaug creek in section 11, T15N, R14W to its confluence with the Pere Marquette river.(e) Cedar creek from M- 37 in section 3, T1 6N, R13W to its confluence with the Big South Branch.(f) Ruby creek from its source in section 6, T16N, R15W to its confluence with the Big South Branch.(g) Carr creek, excluding that portion of the stream which branches north in section 14, T17N, R15W, from Tyndal road in section 18, T17N, R14W to its confluence with the Big South branch.(h) Sweetwater creek from its source in section 21, T18N, R14W to its confluence with the Pere Marquette river.(i) Kinney creek from the outfall of Wingleton lake in section 31, T18N, R13W to its confluence with the Pere Marquette river.(j) Danaher creek from the C & O railroad in section 27, T17N, R13W to its confluence with the Pere Marquette river.(k) The Baldwin river, excluding that portion in the village of Baldwin, from the outfall of the widewaters in section 32, T19N, R12W to its confluence with the Pere Marquette river.(l) North Branch of Cole creek, from big spring in section 15, T18N, R12W to its confluence with the South Branch of Cole creek.(m) South Branch of Cole creek from the west line of section 22, T18N, R12W to its confluence with the North Branch of Cole creek.(n) Cole creek from the confluence of the North and South Branches of Cole creek in section 20, T18N, R12W to its confluence with the Baldwin river.(o) Bray creek from the outfall of Bray lake in section 26, T18N, R13W to its confluence with the Baldwin river.(p) Sanborn creek, excluding that portion in the village of Baldwin, from State road in section 24, T18N, R12W to its confluence with the Baldwin river.(q) Leverentz creek from the outfall of Leverentz lake in section 35, T1 8N, R13W to its confluence with the Baldwin river.(r) The middle branch from Baker road in section 8, T17N, R11W downstream to the "forks."(s) Blood creek from its source in section 16, T17N, R12W to its confluence with the middle Branch.(t) The Little South branch from U.S. forest service road 530 9 in section 9, T15N, R12W, downstream to the "forks."(u) McDuffee creek from 13 mile road in section 34T16N, R12W, downstream to its confluence with the Little South Branch.(v) The Pease creek from the south line of section 34, T1 7N, R12W, and from the east line of section 7, 16N, R11W to its confluence with the Little South Branch.(w) All lakes, ponds, impoundments or other surface water bodies not traditionally considered rivers, streams or creeks if they are a contiguous part of the stream segments listed in subdivisions (a) to (v) of this rule.(x) The lands lying within 400 feet of the river's edge as described in subdivisions (a) to (w) of this rule.Mich. Admin. Code R. 281.130