Off-Premises Licenses
- Off-Premises Licenses
- Section R. 436.1501 - Definitions
- Section R. 436.1503 - Hours and days of operation
- Section R. 436.1505 - Rescinded
- Section R. 436.1507 - Stock of liquor
- Section R. 436.1509 - Rescinded
- Section R. 436.1511 - Open containers on licensed premises prohibited; exception; consumption of liquor on licensed premises prohibited; exception
- Section R. 436.1513 - Sample bottles or cans; removal
- Section R. 436.1515 - Sale and delivery of alcoholic liquor
- Section R. 436.1517 - Type of business; change; approval
- Section R. 436.1519 - Soliciting, accepting, or receiving rebates, refunds, or adjustments from a person other than the commission for broken or defective containers prohibited
- Section R. 436.1521 - Outdoor service prohibited; exception
- Section R. 436.1523 - Allowing consumption on licensee's property adjacent to licensed premises prohibited
- Section R. 436.1525 - Sale by club licensee of liquor to nonmember prohibited
- Section R. 436.1527 - Delivery of liquor to person under 21 years of age prohibited; requirements for delivery of liquor to persons of legal age
- Section R. 436.1529 - Sale of spirits at a uniform price
- Section R. 436.1531 - Return of alcoholic liquor product
- Section R. 436.1533 - Off-premises server training; requirements