Mich. Admin. Code R. 325.45111

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 325.45111 - Application; application review process; licensure

Rule 111.

(1) As authorized in article 17, an application for initial licensure or licensure change, including change in ownership, bed capacity, bed designation, location, and business name, must be made on the most recent applicable form authorized and provided by the department.
(2) An application is not deemed complete by the department until all of the following are received:
(a) Completed application form and required attachments.
(b) Application or licensing fee as applicable.
(c) Applicable certificate of need approval.
(d) Applicable occupancy transmittal for the physical space.
(3) The department shall conduct a pre-licensure survey within 3 months of an application for initiation being deemed complete.
(4) Upon determination of compliance with article 17 and these rules, the department shall issue a license that identifies all of the following:
(a) Name of the licensee person or entity.
(b) Business name of the health facility or agency.
(c) Physical address of the health facility or agency.
(d) Type of health facility or agency.
(e) Licensed bed capacity, if applicable.
(5) The licensee shall post the license in a conspicuous public area of the health facility or agency.
(6) Before a license may be transferred to a different owner through a change of ownership application, or transferred from one physical location to another physical location through an application to relocate the health facility or agency, the application must be approved by the department and the department shall issue a new license.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 325.45111

2020 MR 4, Eff. 2/21/2020