Mich. Admin. Code R. 400.15315

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 400.15315 - Handling of resident funds and valuables

Rule 315.

(1) Upon a request from a resident or the resident's designated representative, a licensee may accept a resident's funds and valuables to be held in trust with the licensee.
(2) The care of any resident funds and valuables that have been accepted by a licensee for safekeeping shall be treated by the licensee as a trust obligation.
(3) A licensee shall have a resident's funds and valuables transaction form completed and on file for each resident. A department form shall be used unless prior authorization for a substitute form has been granted, in writing, by the department.
(4) A listing of all valuables that are accepted by the licensee for safekeeping shall be maintained. The listing of valuables shall include a written description of the items, the date received by the licensee, and the date returned to the resident or his or her designated representative. The listing of valuables shall be signed at the time of receipt by the licensee and the resident or his or her designated representative. Upon return of the valuables to the resident or his or her designated representative, the listing shall be signed by the resident or his or her designated representative and the licensee.
(5) All resident funds, which includes bank accounts, shall be kept separate and apart from all funds and monies of the licensee. Interest and dividends earned on resident funds shall be credited to the resident. Payments for care for the current month may be used by the licensee for operating expenses.
(6) Except for bank accounts, a licensee shall not accept resident funds of more than $200.00 for any resident of the home after receiving payment of charges owed.
(7) A resident shall have access to and use of personal funds that belong to him or her in reasonable amounts, including immediate access to not less than $20.00 of his or her personal funds. A resident shall receive up to his or her full amount of personal funds at a time designated by the resident, but not more than 5 days after the request for the funds. Exceptions to this requirement shall be subject to the provisions of the resident's assessment plan and the plan of services.
(8) All resident fund transactions shall require the signature of the resident or the resident's designated representative and the licensee or prior written approval from the resident or the resident's designated representative.
(9) A resident's account shall be individual to the resident. A licensee shall be prohibited from having any ownership interest in a resident's account and shall verify such in a written statement to the resident or the resident's designated representative.
(10) A licensee, administrator, direct care staff, other employees, volunteers under the direction of the licensee, and members of their families shall not accept, take, or borrow money or valuables from a resident, even with the consent of the resident.
(11) A licensee shall obtain prior written approval from a resident and his or her designated representative before charges are made to a resident's account.
(12) Charges against the resident's account shall not exceed the agreed price for the services rendered and goods furnished or made available by the home to the resident.
(13) A licensee shall provide a complete accounting, on an annual basis and upon request, of all resident funds and valuables which are held in trust and in bank accounts or which are paid to the home, to the resident, or to his or her designated representative. The accounting of a resident's funds and valuables which are held in trust or which are paid to the home shall also be provided, upon the resident's or designated representative's request, not more than 5 banking days after the request and at the time of the resident's discharge from the home.
(14) A licensee shall have a written refund agreement with the resident or his or her designated representative. The agreement shall state under what conditions a refund of the unused portion of the monthly charge that is paid to the home shall be returned to the resident or his or her designated representative. The refund agreement shall provide for, at a minimum, refunds under any of the following conditions:
(a) When an emergency discharge from the home occurs as described in R 400.15302.
(b) When a resident has been determined to be at risk pursuant to the provisions of sections 11 and 11a to 11f of Act No. 280 of the Public Acts of 1939, as amended, being SS400.11 and 400.11a to 400.11f of the Michigan Compiled Laws.
(c) When a resident has been determined to be at risk due to substantial noncompliance with these licensing rules which results in the department taking action to issue a provisional license or to revoke or summarily suspend, or refuse to renew, a license and the resident relocates. The amount of the monthly charge that is returned to the resident shall be based upon the written refund agreement and shall be prorated based on the number of days that the resident lived in the home during that month.
(15) Personal property and belongings that are left at the home after the death of a resident shall be inventoried and stored by the licensee. A licensee shall notify the resident's designated representative, by registered mail, of the existence of the property and belongings and request disposition. Personal property and belongings that remain unclaimed, or for which arrangements have not been made, may be disposed of by the licensee after 30 days from the date that written notification is sent to the designated representative.
(16) Personal property and belongings that are left at the home after discharge shall be inventoried and stored by the licensee. The resident and designated representative shall be notified by the licensee, by registered mail, of the existence of property and belongings. Personal property and belongings that remain unclaimed, or for which arrangements have not been made, may be disposed of by the licensee after 30 days from the date that written notification is sent to the resident and the designated representative.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 400.15315

1994 AACS