Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 408.15107 - Definitions; L to PRule 5107.
(1) "Limb" or "limbing" means the act of cutting the limbs from felled or standing trees.(2) "Limber" means a person or machine that limbs(3) "Loader" means a mechanical device that loads logs.(4) "Lodged tree" means a tree that is prevented by another tree from falling to the ground.(5) "Log" means a segment sawed or split from a felled tree, such as a section, bolt, or tree length.(6) "Logging equipment" means a mechanically powered device used in a logging operation.(7) "Logging operations" means the operations that are associated with felling and moving trees and logs from the stump to the point of delivery, such as any of the following: (j) Storing. The term includes the transporting of machines, equipment, and personnel from one logging site to another.(8) "Machine" means a piece of stationary or mobile equipment which is a self-contained powerplant, which is operated off the road and which is used for the movement of material. "Machine" includes any of the following: (i) A mechanical felling device, such as tree shears or a feller-buncher. "Machine" does not include an airplane or aircraft such as helicopters.(9) "Mechanical felling device" or "feller buncher" means equipment used to harvest trees.(10) "Mechanical ram log splitter" means a machine for splitting logs that uses a mechanical means to cause a wedge to pass through a log.(11) "Mobile equipment" means equipment, except for an over-the-road vehicle, that is required to be mobile to perform a part of its work function.(12) "Notch" or "undercut" means a notch made in a standing tree at the beginning of the felling operation that guides the direction of the fall of the tree. See figure 1 of R 408.15156.(13) "Prehauling" or "forwarding" means the hauling of forest products, before highway or rail movement, by off-the-road vehicles, by nonhighway transport, or by any other means where the forest products travel clear of the ground.(14) "Protective helmet," "hard hat," or "safety hat" means a rigid device which is designed to protect the head from flying and falling objects or electrical shock, or both, and which is held on the head by a suitable means of suspension.Mich. Admin. Code R. 408.15107
1979 AC; 1983 AACS; 1989 AACS; 1996 AACS