Mich. Admin. Code R. 408.15151

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 408.15151 - Felling

Rule 5151.

(1) An employee, except the faller, shall not be closer to a manual or mechanical felling operation than twice the height of the tallest tree being cut.
(2) Before a cut is started, a feller shall check for the location of all of the following and plan and clear a path of retreat:
(a) Other employees.
(b) Dead limbs.
(c) Lean of the tree.
(d) Wind condition.
(e) Location of other trees and other hazards.
(f) Snow or ice accumulation.
(3) The retreat path shall extend diagonally away from the expected felling line, unless the employer demonstrates that such a retreat poses a greater hazard than an alternate retreat path. Once the backcut has been made, the feller shall immediately move a safe distance away on the retreat path and away from the tree being felled.
(4) If a tree falls on a power line, the utility shall be notified immediately and all employees shall remain clear until the utility advises that conditions are safe.
(5) The immediate supervisor shall be consulted when unfamiliar or unusually hazardous conditions necessitate the supervisor's approval before cutting is commenced.
(6) While manual felling is in progress, a yarding machine shall not be operated within 2 tree lengths of trees being manually felled. This subrule does not apply to yarding machines performing tree-pulling operations.
(7) Each danger tree shall be felled, removed, or avoided. Each danger tree, including lodged trees and snags, shall be felled or removed using mechanical or other techniques that minimize employee exposure before work is commenced in the area of the danger tree. If the danger tree is not felled or removed, it shall be marked and work shall not be conducted within 2 tree lengths of the danger tree, unless the employer demonstrates that a shorter distance will not create a hazard for an employee.
(8) Each danger tree shall be carefully checked for signs of loose bark, broken branches and limbs, or other damage before it is felled or removed.

Accessible loose bark and other damage that may create a hazard for an employee shall be removed or held in place before felling or removing the tree.

(9) Felling on any slope where the rolling or sliding of trees or logs is reasonably foreseeable shall be done uphill from, or on the same level as, previously felled trees.
(10) Domino felling of trees is prohibited.
(11) Accumulations of snow and ice that may create a hazard for an employee shall be removed before felling is commenced in the area or the area shall be avoided.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 408.15151

1979 AC; 1989 AACS; 1996 AACS