Rule 204.
A state part 1 application must include all of the following:
Applicant name, business entity's name, mailing address, phone number, and email of each owner or long-term lessee seeking the credit, if any.
Common modern name and historic name of the resource, if any.
Address of the resource.
Name of any historic district in which the resource is located, if applicable.
For any historic resources not individually listed in the National Register of Historic Places, current photographs of the resource detailing the following:
The historic resource, site, and landscaping before alteration.
The historic resource in conjunction with adjacent properties and structures along the streetscape.
All interior spaces, such as a room, and each significant interior feature.
For any historic resource not individually listed in the National Register of Historic Places or seeking a preliminary determination of individual eligibility, all of the following must be provided:
The social security number or federal taxpayer identification number of each applicant.
The signature of each applicant.
A completed declaration of location form if the resource is located within a local historic district.
Any other information requested by the office.
The state review fee as prescribed in R 206.209.
In addition to all the state part 1 application requirements described under subrule (2) of this rule, an applicant shall submit any attachments that the office determines are necessary to perform its evaluation and determination. The office shall notify an applicant, in writing, if additional information or materials are required. The office shall not process the application until the requested information or materials are furnished by the applicant to the satisfaction of the office.
Upon receipt of a complete and adequately documented application, the office shall review the submission to determine the eligibility of a possible historic resource for participation in the federal or state tax credit program, or both.
Within 120 days of receipt of a complete application, the office shall provide written notification to the applicant of its determination on the application for historic significance certification.
Mich. Admin. Code R. 206.204