Mich. Admin. Code R. 299.2903

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 299.2903 - Definitions

Rule 3. As used in these rules:

(a) "Act" means 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.101 et seq.
(b) "Board" means the board of certification authorized by R 299.2916.
(c) "Certificate" means a document that is issued by the department to a person who meets specific qualification requirements specified in these rules, qualifying the person as a certified operator.
(d) "Department" means the director of the Department of Environmental Quality or his or her designee.
(e) "Division" means the appropriate division of the department as delegated by the director.
(f) "Governmental agency" means a city, village, township, county, metropolitan district, other unit of government, or officers of the entities specified in this subdivision.
(g) "Operator" means an individual who works in a treatment facility and who has some responsibility for the operation of the facility.
(h) "Person" means an individual, partnership, association, corporation, or any governmental agency.
(i) "Renewal cycle" means the period of time from the issuance date to the expiration date stated on a certificate or a replacement certificate.
(j) "Replacement certificate" means a certificate issued to an individual who holds a valid certificate issued before the effective date of these amendatory rules.
(k) "Sewerage system" means a sewer system and treatment facility that are used to collect, transport, and treat domestic and industrial wastes.
(l) "Sewer system" means the pipes, channels, conduits, manholes, pumping stations, and appurtenances, collectively or severally, actually used or intended for use by the public for the purpose of collecting, conveying, or transporting domestic and industrial wastes to a treatment facility.
(m) "Superintendent" means an individual who is in charge of and responsible for the operation of a treatment facility and in whom is vested the authority and responsibility for the establishment and execution of specific practices and procedures controlling the operations of the treatment facility in accordance with the policies of the owner of the facility and the department.
(n) "Treatment facility" means structures, equipment, and appurtenances, collectively or severally, actually used or intended for use by the public for the purpose of treating or otherwise handling domestic and industrial wastes.
(o) "Treatment works" means a treatment facility.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 299.2903

1979 AC; 1999 AACS; 2003 AACS