Mich. Admin. Code R. 299.6010

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 299.6010 - DeTour Passage Great Lakes state bottomland preserve; establishment

Rule 10. The following described area is established as the DeTour Passage Great Lakes state bottomland preserve:

(1) A 13.61 - square mile area of Lake Huron, including state-owned public trust bottomlands, extending upward and including the water surface described as: Beginning at the ordinary high water line (elevation 580.5 feet international Great Lakes datum 1985) at the most northerly point of Sweets Point, DeTour township, T42N, R4E, section 21, Chippewa county, thence S 87Chr(176) 26' 55" E approximately 25,016.54 feet to the ordinary high water line at the most northerly point of Dix point in Drummond township, Drummond island, T42N R5E, section 20, Chippewa county, thence southerly along the ordinary high water line on Drummond island to the most southerly point of point Anderson in Drummond township, Drummond island, T41N R5E, section 17, Chippewa county, thence S 83Chr(176) 01' 51" W approximately 14,573.82 feet; thence N 59Chr(176) 38' 16" W approximately 4,158.74 feet to the ordinary high water line on the most southerly point of point DeTour, DeTour township T41N, R4E, section 10, Chippewa county, thence northerly along the ordinary high water mark to the point of beginning, excluding all islands and previously conveyed areas.
(2) The DeTour Passage Great Lakes state bottomland preserve is illustrated in Figure 1 as follows:

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Mich. Admin. Code R. 299.6010

1998-2000 AACS