Mich. Admin. Code R. 299.6008

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 299.6008 - Marquette Great Lakes state bottomland preserve; establishment

Rule 8.

(1) The following described area is established as the Marquette unit of the Marquette Great Lakes state bottomland preserve:

A 74-square mile area of Lake Superior bottomland extending upward and including the water surface described as: Beginning at the point where the line between range 25 west and range 26 west in township 49 north, Marquette County, Michigan, intersects the ordinary high waterline of Lake Superior (elevation 601.5 international Great Lakes datum 1955), approximate latitude 46 degrees 38 minutes 29 seconds north longitude 87 degrees 29 minutes 21 seconds west; thence northeasterly on a heading of 70 degrees a distance of 3.37 miles to the point at latitude 46 degrees 39.6 minutes north longitude 87 degrees 25.5 minutes west; thence southeasterly on a heading of 115 3/4 degrees a distance of 2.64 miles to the point at latitude 46 degrees 38.2 minutes north longitude 87 degrees 22.5 minutes west; thence southeasterly on a heading of 155 1/4 degrees a distance of 3.80 miles to the point at latitude 46 degrees 35.8 minutes north longitude 87 degrees 20.5 minutes west; thence southeasterly on a heading of 126 degrees a distance of 5.89 miles to the point at latitude 46 degrees 32.2 minutes north longitude 87 degrees 14.8 minutes west; thence northeasterly on a heading of 46 degrees a distance of 6.63 miles to the point at latitude 46 degrees 36.0 minutes north longitude 87 degrees 08.5 minutes west; thence southeasterly on a heading of 161 degrees a distance of 2.44 miles to the point at latitude 46 degrees 34.8 minutes north longitude 87 degrees 07.5 minutes west; thence southerly a distance of 5.76 miles to the point where the line between Marquette County and Alger County, Michigan, intersects the ordinary high waterline of Lake Superior, approximate latitude 46 degrees 29.7 minutes north longitude 87 degrees 07.0 minutes west; thence westerly, northerly, and northwesterly along the ordinary high waterline to the point of beginning, excluding that part of all islands within the described parcel above the ordinary high waterline.

(2) The following described area is established as the Huron islands unit of the Marquette Great Lakes state bottomland preserve:

An 89-square mile area of Lake Superior bottomland extending upward and including the water surface described as: Beginning at the point where the line between Baraga County and Marquette County, Michigan, intersects the ordinary high waterline of Lake Superior (elevation 601.5 international Great Lakes datum 1955), approximately latitude 46 degrees 54.7 minutes north longitude 88 degrees 02.7 minutes west; thence due north a distance of 4.61 miles to the point at latitude 46 degrees 58.5 minutes north longitude 88 degrees 02.7 minutes west; thence due east a distance of 9.46 miles to the point at latitude 46 degrees 58.5 minutes north longitude 87 degrees 50 minutes west; thence southeasterly on a heading of 126 1/4 degrees a distance of 3.91 miles to the point at latitude 46 degrees 56.1 minutes north longitude 87 degrees 46.8 minutes west; thence southeasterly on a heading of 116 degrees a distance of 5.26 miles to the point at latitude 46 degrees 54.4 minutes north longitude 87 degrees 40.8 minutes west; thence due south a distance of 4.61 miles to a point on the ordinary high waterline of Lake Superior due north of the big bay point light, approximate latitude 46 degrees 50.5 minutes north longitude 87 degrees 40.8 minutes west; thence westerly, southerly, westerly, northerly, and northwesterly along said ordinary high waterline to the point of beginning, excluding that part of all islands within the described parcel above the ordinary high waterline.

(3) The Marquette unit and the Huron islands unit are illustrated in the following figures:

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Mich. Admin. Code R. 299.6008

1991 AACS