Mich. Admin. Code R. 281.1310

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 281.1310 - Inspection reports

Rule 10.

(1) Inspection reports shall include all of the information required in section 37(3) of the act.
(2) An inspection report shall include all of the following parts:
(a) A title sheet that includes all of the following information:
(i) The name of the dam.
(ii) The inventory identification number.
(iii) The county and river or stream where the dam is located.
(iv) The owner's and operator's names, addresses, and telephone numbers.
(v) The hazard potential classification.
(vi) The names of inspectors.
(vii) The date of inspection.
(viii) The name, address, registration number, and signature of the licensed professional engineer who is in charge of the inspection report.
(b) A conclusions and recommendations section that includes all of the following information:
(i) An evaluation of the dam's overall condition and a summary of the findings of the field inspection and analyses contained in the report.
(ii) Identification of any deficiencies that, if left uncorrected, could lead to the failure of the dam.
(iii) Prioritization of recommendations to correct observed deficiencies or operation and maintenance items for the dam.
(iv) Recommendations for further detailed studies or investigations, including an assessment of the adequacy of the current hazard potential classification if appropriate.
(c) A project information section that includes all of the following information:
(i) A description of the dam, outlet, spillway, and other principal features, together with pertinent data.
(ii) The purpose of the dam.
(iii) A summary of available design, geotechnical, maintenance, construction, repair, and alteration information and operating history.
(iv) A reference to past inspection reports.
(v) The date of construction, if known.
(d) A field inspection section that briefly describes the physical condition of the principal features of the dam and appurtenant structures, including the impoundment level, as they were observed during the field inspection.
(e) A structural stability section that includes a visual assessment of the stability of the dam on the basis of available data, together with the observations of the field inspection and the results of any calculations performed.
(f) A hydrologic and hydraulic section that includes an evaluation of spillway adequacy, including a description of pertinent available information, such as any of the following:
(i) Hydrologic design data provided by the department.
(ii) Drainage area.
(iii) Floods of record.
(iv) Previous evaluations.
(g) An operation and maintenance section that includes all of the following:
(i) An assessment of operating equipment and procedures.
(ii) Evaluation of the current maintenance plan.
(h) Appendices that include all of the following:
(i) A map that shows the location of the dam.
(ii) Engineering plans of the dam, if available, or sketches of the dam and its principal parts, including a plan view and cross sectional views of pertinent features. If there have been changes to the dam since the submittal of previous plans or sketches, supplemental plans or sketches that depict the changes shall be submitted. If engineering plans or sketches have been submitted in a previous inspection report and if there have been no changes to the dam, it is not necessary to submit duplicate plans or sketches in subsequent reports.
(iii) Photographs of the dam, downstream channel, and deficiencies cited in the report.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 281.1310

1993 AACS