Mich. Admin. Code R. 324.8810

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 324.8810 - Approvable watershed management plans

Rule 10.

(1) A local unit of government or a not-for-profit entity may submit a watershed management plan to the department for approval under these rules.
(2) A watershed management plan submitted to the department for approval under this section shall contain current information, be detailed, and identify all of the following:
(a) The geographic scope of the watershed.
(b) The designated uses and desired uses of the watershed.
(c) The water quality threats or impairments in the watershed.
(d) The causes of the impairments or threats, including pollutants.
(e) A clear statement of the water quality improvement or protection goals of the watershed management plan.
(f) The sources of the pollutants causing the impairments or threats and the sources that are critical to control in order to meet water quality standards or other water quality goals.
(g) The tasks that need to be completed to prevent or control the critical sources of pollution or address causes of impairment, including, as appropriate, all of the following:
(i) The best management practices needed.
(ii) Revisions needed or proposed to local zoning ordinances and other land use management tools.
(iii) Informational and educational activities.
(iv) Activities needed to institutionalize watershed protection.
(h) The estimated cost of implementing the best management practices needed.
(i) A summary of the public participation process, including the opportunity for public comment, during watershed management plan development and the partners that were involved in the development of the watershed management plan.
(j) The estimated periods of time needed to complete each task and the proposed sequence of task completion.
(k) A description of the process that will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of implementing the plan and achieving its goals.
(3) The department shall accept and review watershed management plans submitted for approval under this rule at any time throughout the year.
(4) The department reserves 90 days to review and comment on watershed management plans submitted for approval.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 324.8810

1999 MR 10, Eff. Oct. 28, 1999