Mich. Admin. Code R. 299.4917

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 299.4917 - Landfill construction; compacted soil liner and final cover construction records

Rule 917.

(1) A registered professional engineer or other qualified individual shall document the proper construction of all compacted soil liners and final covers in accordance with this rule. Construction records for compacted soil liners and final cover shall include information on all of the following:
(a) The excavation and subgrade, as specified in subrule (2) of this rule.
(b) Each borrow source for liner material or final cover, as specified in subrule (3) of this rule.
(c) Liner compaction, as specified in subrule (4) of this rule.
(d) The hydraulic conductivity of the constructed liner, as specified in subrule (5) of this rule.
(e) Measurements of the final liner slope and thickness.
(f) Test pad data, if any.
(2) The following information on the subgrade shall be documented for any compacted soil liner:
(a) Measurements of the slope and the depth of excavation.
(b) Measurements and observations to ensure that the subgrade surface meets specification.
(3) All of the following information shall be documented for each borrow source:
(a) The location.
(b) A description of the soil.
(c) The relationship between hydraulic conductivity, moisture, and density, as established with laboratory test data as part of an initial design report on the borrow source. The relationship shall be established using either the modified proctor test, ASTM D1557-91, or the standard proctor test, ASTM D698-91.The relationship shall be redetermined if the nature of the source changes so that the required hydraulic conductivity will not be achieved.
(d) Verification that the borrow source is in compliance with the requirements of these rules by testing both of the following every 5,000 cubic yards or when the soil texture changes:
(i) The unified soil classification, ASTM standard D2487-93.
(ii) The moisture-density relationship, by modified proctor, ASTM standard D1557-91, or standard proctor, ASTM standard D698-91, depending on the test used in subdivision (c) of this subrule.
(e) Observation of roots, rocks, rubbish, or off-specification soil that is removed from the source material.
(f) The volume of soil that is placed and compacted from each source.
(4) All of the following information shall be documented with respect to soil compaction:
(a) The type and weight of compaction equipment.
(b) The method of surface preparation.
(c) The method of adjusting soil moisture, if any.
(d) The method of controlling desiccation, if any.
(e) The thickness of each lift, after compaction.
(f) General observations of the number of passes and uniformity of compaction coverage.
(g) Observation of the reduction in clod size.
(h) Documentation of liner repair, including the removal and replacement of frozen or desiccated soil.
(5) All of the following in-place tests shall be obtained for each lift of soil after compaction, with the location of soil samples taken on a grid that is rotated with each lift to maximize coverage, and shall be documented with the construction records:
(a) Soil density and moisture content, by nuclear methods, ASTM standard D2922-96, or other methods approved by the director, with 1 test per acre and a minimum of 3 tests per day of construction or lift of soil.
(b) The undisturbed hydraulic conductivity of the soil liner, with 1 test for every 10,000 cubic yards placed, using a method specified in R 299.4920.Each landfill unit or portion thereof that is constructed at a given time shall have a minimum of 3 tests.
(6) The director shall decrease the frequency of testing that is required by this rule upon a demonstration by the owner or operator that the quality and consistency of the borrow source and construction techniques will assure compliance with the specifications of these rules.
(7) ASTM procedures D422-63(90), D1557-91, D2922-96, and D2487-93 are adopted by reference in R 299.4135.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 299.4917

1993 AACS; 1999 AACS