Mich. Admin. Code R. 299.4915

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 299.4915 - Landfill construction; flexible membrane liners

Rule 915.

(1) A flexible membrane liner that is required by these rules shall be in compliance with all of the following requirements:
(a) Be of sufficient tensile strength to withstand anticipated stresses without failure.
(b) Be chemically resistant to anticipated wastes and waste leachate based on EPA method 9090. EPA method 9090 is part of the publication entitled "Test Methods for the Evaluation of Solid Waste," EPA publication SW-846, 3rd edition, which is adopted by reference in R 299.4133.
(c) Be sufficiently durable so that the properties of the liner are not significantly impaired by any of the following during the active life of the landfill and the postclosure period:
(i) Exposure to sunlight, precipitation, or anticipated temperature variations.
(ii) Abrasion, shocks, or other mechanical actions.
(iii) Irreversible shrinkage of the liner.
(d) Be of sufficient elasticity to withstand anticipated deformations.
(e) Have a friction angle that is capable of supporting overburden material without slippage on sideslopes, given the angle and length of such slopes.
(f) Be capable of being seamed so that the seam meets the manufacturers specifications or other specifications approved by the director.
(2) A landfill shall be designed to avoid penetration of any flexible membrane liner by pipes, sumps, or supports. Where penetrations are proposed, the owner and operator shall demonstrate that subgrade settlement will not cause a liner to fail.
(3) The owner and operator of a landfill shall develop specifications for the design and installation of a flexible membrane liner that are sufficient to meet the requirements of these rules. If applicable to a proposed liner material, the specifications shall meet or exceed the following specifications:
(a) The national sanitation foundation document NSF 54-1993. NSF 54- 1993 is adopted by reference in R 299.4137.
(b) For PVC, the PVC geomembrane institute specification PGI 1197. PGI 1197 is adopted by reference in R 299.4137.
(c) Other specifications approved by the director.
(4) The foundation for a flexible membrane liner shall be prepared by doing all of the following:
(a) By compacting the soil surface to the extent necessary to provide a stable base or else determining that the soils are naturally consolidated to provide a stable base without compaction.
(b) Grading the foundation to a smooth and true line and grade and not deviating more than 0.2 feet from that shown on approved plans.
(c) Removing stones, organic material, roots, or other material that may puncture the liner.
(5) Before installation, flexible membrane liner material shall be stored in a secure area and protected from adverse weather.
(6) Flexible membrane liner shall be deployed to minimize handling.Stress conditions shall be prevented by allowing slack for shrinkage.
(7) The owner and operator of a landfill shall assure that field seams of a flexible membrane liner are made in a manner that ensures all of the following:
(a) That field seams on side slopes are generally installed parallel to the line of maximum slope, when possible.
(b) That the seam area is properly prepared for seaming and is free of moisture, dust, dirt, debris, and foreign material of any kind before seaming.
(c) That field seaming is not done in adverse weather conditions that could impair the quality of the liner, unless protective structures or other methods are used to maintain seam integrity during construction.
(8) The owner and operator of a landfill shall assure that a flexible membrane liner is otherwise installed to assure all of the following:
(a) That any imperfections that are found in a liner or seam are repaired.
(b) That the anchor trench for the liner is excavated to the depth and width shown on approved plans and that the liner is sufficiently anchored within the trench.
(c) That the liner is covered with soil or other material specified in approved plans within 30 days after placement in a manner that protects the liner from degradation, unless the owner and operator demonstrate that the liner material is not subject to degradation by ultraviolet light or other weather conditions.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 299.4915

1993 AACS; 1999 AACS