Mich. Admin. Code R. 336.2060

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 336.2060 - Procedures for determination of compliance with R 336.1631

Rule 1060. The following procedures shall be used for the determination of compliance with R 336.1631:

(a) The following procedure shall be used for the determination of compliance with R 336.1631 emission limitations expressed as pounds of volatile organic compound per 1,000 pounds of polystyrene resin, dry organic resin, or completed organic resin produced:
(i) Principle. Compliance with R 336.1631 is determined after determining all of the following:
(A) The concentration of volatile organic compounds in the effluent gas vented to the atmosphere.
(B) The flow rate of effluent gas vented to the atmosphere.
(C) The pounds of polystyrene resin, completed organic resin, or dry organic resin produced over a period of time or per batch.
(D) The length of time for each stage of the resin manufacturing operation.
(ii) Applicability. This procedure is applicable for the determination of compliance with R 336.1631 emission limits expressed as pounds of volatile organic compound per 1,000 pounds of polystyrene, completed organic, or dry organic resin produced.
(iii) All of the following provisions apply to procedure:
(A) The concentration of volatile organic compounds in the effluent gas vented to the atmosphere shall be determined using federal reference method 25, as described in R 336.2004, or an equivalent method approved by the department. A sample shall be taken from each vent emitting volatile organic compounds on all material recovery equipment and on all reactors, thinning tanks, and blending tanks. The samples shall be taken at a point between the last piece of control equipment on the vent and the vent opening to the atmosphere. Two samples shall be taken during each time period or stage in the manufacturing process represented by a process change. The results of the 2 samples shall be averaged.
(B) The flow rate of effluent gas vented to the atmosphere shall be determined using federal reference methods 1 and 2, as described in R 336.2004, or an equivalent method approved by the department. The flow rate shall be measured in conjunction with the sampling as required in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph. The flow chart shall be measured at a point between the last piece of control equipment on the vent and the vent opening to the atmosphere. The flow rates shall be measured on each vent stack of each piece of equipment affected by the emission limits referred to in this subdivision. Flow rates shall be measured on each piece of equipment from which the samples referred to in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph are taken.
(C) The pounds of polystyrene resin, completed organic resin, or dry organic resin produced shall be determined from plant production data.
(D) The length of time for each stage of a resin manufacturing operation shall be determined from plant records.
(iv) All of the following provisions apply to carrying out calculations:
(A) Nomenclature.

Csv = Concentration of volatile organic compound in the effluent gas flowing through stack v during stage s before venting to the atmosphere (pounds per cubic feet).

M = Total mass of volatile organic compound emitted through all stacks for every stage of the resin manufacturing operation per batch, or per calendar day for continuous processes (pounds of volatile organic compound).

K = Total mass of polystyrene resin, completed organic resin, or dry organic resin produced per batch or per calendar day for continuous processes (pounds of resin).

Qsv = Volumetric flow rate of the effluent gas flowing through stack v during stage s (cubic feet per minute).

R = Actual emission rate from a resin manufacturing process (pounds of volatile organic compound per 1,000 pounds of polystyrene resin, completed organic resin, or dry organic resin produced).

Ts = Time period for each stage of the resin manufacturing process (minutes).

(B) The following equations shall be used:
(1) Calculate the total mass of volatile organic compound emitted from affected stacks for every stage of the resin manufacturing process using the following equation, where "a" is the total number of stages of the resin manufacturing process and "b" is the total number of stacks emitting volatile organic compound and involved in the manufacture of a resin affected by R 336.1631:

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(2) Calculate the actual emission rate from material recovery equipment used in the manufacture of polystyrene resin, and from reactors, thinning tanks, and blending tanks used in the manufacture of completed organic resin and dry organic resin, using the following equation:

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If "R" is less than or equal to the required emission limit expressed as pounds of volatile organic compound per 1,000 pounds of polystyrene resin, completed organic resin, or dry organic resin produced for the affected resin operation, the resin operation meets the emission limit.

(b) The following procedure shall be used for the determination of compliance with the R 336.1631 emission limit requiring control equipment to reduce the total volatile organic compound emissions from reactors, thinning tanks, and blending tanks by 95 weight percent:
(i) Principle. Compliance with R 336.1631 is determined after determining all of the following:
(A) The concentration of volatile organic compounds in the effluent gas vented to the atmosphere.
(B) The concentration of volatile organic compounds in the effluent gas vented to the first piece of control equipment following the reactors, thinning tanks, or blending tanks.
(C) The flow rate of the effluent gas vented to the atmosphere and vented to the first piece of control equipment following the reactors, thinning tanks, or blending tanks.
(ii) Applicability. This procedure is applicable for the determination of compliance with the R 336.1631 emission limit requiring control equipment to reduce the total volatile organic compound emissions from reactors, thinning tanks, and blending tanks by 95 weight percent.
(iii) All of the following provisions apply to procedure:
(A) The concentration of volatile organic compounds in the effluent gas vented to the atmosphere shall be determined using federal reference method 25, as described in R 336.2004, or an equivalent method approved by the department. A sample shall be taken from each vent emitting volatile organic compounds on all reactors, thinning tanks, and blending tanks. The samples shall be taken at a point between the last piece of control equipment on the vent and the vent opening to the atmosphere. Two samples shall be taken during each time period or stage in the manufacturing process represented by a process change. The results of the 2 samples shall be averaged.
(B) The concentration of volatile organic compounds in the effluent gas vented from reactors, thinning tanks, and blending tanks shall be determined using federal reference method 25, as described in R 336.2004, or an equivalent method approved by the department. A sample shall be taken from each vent containing volatile organic compounds on all reactors, thinning tanks, and blending tanks. The samples shall be taken at a point on the vent immediately before entering the first piece of control equipment from the reactor, thinning tank, or blending tank. Two samples shall be taken at each time period or stage in the manufacturing process represented by a process change. The results of the 2 samples shall be averaged.
(C) The flow rate of the effluent gas vented to the atmosphere and vented from reactors, thinning tanks, and blending tanks shall be determined using federal reference methods 1 and 2, as described in R 336.2004, or an equivalent method approved by the department. The flow rate shall be measured in conjunction with the sampling as required in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph. The flow rate shall be measured at a point between the last piece of control equipment on the vent and the vent opening to the atmosphere and also at a point between the reactor, thinning tank, or blending tank and the piece of control equipment nearest the reactor, thinning tank, or blending tank. The flow rates shall be measured on each piece of equipment from which the samples referred to in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph are taken.
(iv) All of the following provisions apply to carrying out calculations:
(A) Nomenclature.

Csv = Concentration of volatile organic compound in the effluent gas flowing through stack v during stage s before venting to the atmosphere (pounds per cubic feet).

C1sv = Concentration of volatile organic compound in the effluent gas leaving the reactor, thinning tank, or blending tank and flowing through stack v during stage s (pounds per cubic feet).

M = Total mass of volatile organic compound emitted to the atmosphere through the stacks of all reactors, thinning tanks, and blending tanks for every stage of the resin manufacturing operation (pounds of volatile organic compounds per minute).

M1 = Total mass of volatile organic compound leaving all the reactors, thinning tanks, and blending tanks through the stacks for every stage of the resin manufacturing process (pounds of volatile organic compound per minute).

P = Actual weight percent of volatile organic compound emissions reduced by control equipment from all reactors, thinning tanks, and blending tanks (percent).

Qsv = Volumetric flow rate of the effluent gas flowing through stack v during stage s (cubic feet per minute).

Q1sv = Volumetric flow rate of the effluent gas leaving the reactor, thinning tank, and blending tank and flowing through stack v during stage s (cubic feet per minute).

(B) The following equations shall be used:
(1) Calculate the total mass of volatile organic compound emitted from affected stacks for every stage of the resin manufacturing process using the following equation, where "a" is the total number of stages of the resin manufacturing process and "b" is the total number of stacks emitting volatile organic compound and involved in the manufacture of a resin affected by R 336.1631:

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(2) Calculate the total mass of volatile organic compound leaving reactors, thinning tanks, and blending tanks through affected stacks for every stage of the resin manufacturing process using the following equation, where "a" is the total number of stages of the resin manufacturing process and "b" is the total number of stacks emitting volatile organic compound and involved in the manufacture of a resin affected by R 336.1631:

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(3) Calculate the actual weight percent of volatile organic compound emissions reduced by control equipment from all reactors, thinning tanks, and blending tanks using the following equation:

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If "P" is equal to or greater than 95, the resin operation meets the emission limit.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 336.2060

1989 AACS; 2002 AACS