Md. Code Regs.

Current through Register Vol. 52, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section - Purpose
A. It is the goal of the State to preserve the tidal wetlands of the State, prevent their loss and despoliation, and strive for a net resource gain in tidal wetland acreage and function. An applicant for a license or permit required under this subtitle shall design a project to first avoid and then minimize the loss of tidal wetlands. If the Department determines that the loss of tidal wetlands is unavoidable and may be licensed or permitted by the Department or recommended for licensing to the Board of Public Works, the permit or license shall require mitigation in accordance with this subtitle. Tidal wetlands are found in the Chesapeake Bay, the tidal tributaries to the Chesapeake Bay, and the 3-mile area seaward of the low water mark of Maryland's Atlantic coast.
B. These regulations combine in one subtitle the Department's processing of applications for licenses to conduct activities in or over State tidal wetlands and for permits to conduct activities on private tidal wetlands. However, it is not the intent of these regulations to change the legal distinctions between State tidal wetlands and private tidal wetlands. The State holds State tidal wetlands in a proprietary capacity, in trust for the benefit of the people of Maryland. The Department regulates the activities of private persons on private tidal wetlands. When the Department acts on the application for a permit to conduct activities on private tidal wetlands, it is regulating the exercise of preexisting property rights. In contrast, when the State acts on an application for a license to conduct activities in or over State tidal wetlands, it is deciding whether or not to grant to a person certain limited property rights that the person did not have previously, and, in making that decision, the State enjoys the same discretion that any owner has in deciding whether to grant to another an interest in the owner's property.
C. This subtitle describes the Department's review of license applications for the dredging or filling of State tidal wetlands and the construction, reconstruction, or repair of structures on State tidal wetlands. Following the Department's review of an application, the Department shall make a decision or the Department shall submit a recommendation to the Board of Public Works. The Board of Public Works shall take final action on an application for a license in accordance with COMAR 23.02.04.
D. This subtitle also describes the Department's review of permit applications for dredging, filling, removing, or otherwise altering or polluting private tidal wetlands. Following review of an application, the Department shall make a decision in accordance with these regulations.

Md. Code Regs.

Regulations .01 were recodified from Regulations .01, .02, .13, .24, .25, .27, and .28, respectively, under COMAR 08.05.05 Tidal Wetlands, June 1996