Current through Register Vol. 52, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section - Specific Changes Eligible for Processing as a Minor Permit ModificationA. Except as provided in Regulations .13-1 and .13-3 of this chapter, only modifications to accomplish the following may be processed as minor modifications: (1) The following changes to general permit provisions: (a) Correction of typographical errors;(b) Requirement of more frequent monitoring or reporting by the permittee;(c) Change in an interim compliance date in a schedule of compliance, provided the new date is not more than 120 days after the date specified in the existing permit and does not interfere with attainment of the final compliance date requirement;(d) Allowance for a change in ownership or operational control of a facility as specified in §B, when the Secretary determines that no other change in the permit is necessary, provided that a written agreement containing a specific date for transfer of permit responsibility between the current and new permittees has been submitted to the Secretary.(e) Administrative and informational changes;(f) Replacement or upgrading of equipment with equipment or components that are functionally equivalent;(g) Providing for more frequent sampling or maintenance;(h) Changes to remove permit conditions that are no longer applicable because the standards on which the permit conditions were based are no longer applicable to the facility;(2) The following changes related to general facility standards:(a) Changes to waste sampling or analysis methods to:(i) Conform with agency guidance or regulations;(ii) Incorporate changes associated with sampling or analysis methods for hazardous waste F039, multi-source leachate; or(iii) Incorporate changes associated with underlying hazardous constituents in ignitable or corrosive wastes;(b) Changes to analytical quality assurance/quality control plans to conform with agency guidance or regulations;(c) Changes in procedures for maintaining the operating record;(d) Changes in the training plan other than those that affect the type or decrease the amount of training given to employees;(e) Changes to the contingency plan to accomplish the following: (i) Upgrade, relocate, or replace with functionally equivalent equipment, emergency equipment listed in the contingency plan,(ii) Change the name, address, or phone number of a coordinator or other person or agency identified in the plan;(3) The following changes related to ground water protection: (a) Replacement of an existing well that has been damaged or rendered inoperable, without change to location, design, or depth of the well;(b) Changes in ground water sampling or analysis procedures;(c) Changes to the ground water monitoring schedule;(d) Changes in statistical procedures for determining whether a statistically significant change in ground water quality between upgradient and downgradient wells has occurred;(4) The following changes related to closure: (a) Changes to estimates of maximum inventory under COMAR;(b) Changes in the closure schedule for any unit, changes in the final closure schedule for the facility, or extension of the final closure period;(c) Changes in the expected year of final closure, if other permit conditions are not changed;(d) Changes in procedures for decontamination of facility equipment or structures; or(e) Addition of tanks to be used temporarily for closure activities provided that the tanks are used for neutralization, dewatering, phase separation, or component separation;(5) The following changes related to post-closure:(a) Changes in the name, address, or phone number of a contact in the post-closure plan;(b) Changes in the expected year of final closure where other permit conditions are not changed;(6) Addition of a roof to a container management unit without alteration of the containment system;(7) The following changes related to tanks: (a) Addition of a new tank that will operate for up to 90 days using any of the following treatment technologies: (iv) Component separation;(b) Replacement of a tank by a tank that meets the same design standards, provided that all of the following conditions are met: (i) The capacity of the replacement tank is between 90 percent and 110 percent of the capacity of the replaced tank,(ii) The capacity of the replacement tank is within 1,500 gallons of the capacity of the replaced tank,(iii) The facility's permitted tank capacity is not increased, and(iv) The replacement tank meets the same conditions in the permit as the replaced tank;(c) Management of different wastes in tanks provided that the following conditions are met: (i) The change does not require the addition of units or a change in the treatment process or management standards,(ii) The units have previously received wastes of the same type, for example, incinerator scrubber water, and(iii) The waste is not a dioxin containing waste (F020, F021, F022, F023, F026, F027, and F028);(8) For waste piles complying with COMAR, replacement of the waste pile unit with another waste pile unit of the same design and capacity and meeting all waste pile conditions in the permit;(9) The following changes related to land treatment:(a) Changes to any conditions specified in the permit for land treatment units to reflect the results of the land treatment demonstration, provided performance standards are met;(b) Allowing a second treatment demonstration for land treatment to be conducted when the results of the first demonstration have not shown the conditions under which the waste or wastes can be treated completely as required by COMAR, provided the conditions for the second demonstration are substantially the same as the conditions for the first demonstration;(c) Modification of a land treatment unit management practice to decrease the rate of waste application;(10) The following changes related to incinerators:(a) Changes to the ranges of the operating requirements set in a hazardous waste incinerator permit to reflect the results of the trial burn, provided that the change is minor;(b) Changes to the operating requirements set in a hazardous waste incinerator permit for conducting a trial burn, provided that the change is minor;(c) Granting one extension of the time period for determining operational readiness of a hazardous waste incinerator following completion of construction, for up to 720 hours operating time for incineration of hazardous waste;(d) Substitution of an alternate type of fuel that is not specified in the permit;(e) Technology changes needed to meet standards under 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart EEE, National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, or corresponding State requirements, if the facility owner or operator, before submitting a request for a permit modification to the Secretary, complies with: (i) The Notification of Intent to Comply (NIC) requirements of 40 CFR § 63.1210 in effect before May 14, 2001; or(ii) State requirements corresponding to the requirements referenced in §A(10)(e)(i) of this regulation;(11) The removal or amendment of a permit provision restricting the receipt of waste munitions from off-site to allow the continued acceptance of waste military munitions in accordance with Regulation .13-1C of this chapter;(12) Replacement of a containment building with a containment building that meets the same design standards if: (a) The unit capacity is not increased; and(b) The replacement containment building meets the same conditions in the permit as the unit it is replacing; and(13) Any other change identified in 40 CFR § 270.42 Appendix I as a class 1 modification or a class 1 modification requiring prior agency approval.Md. Code Regs.
Regulation .13-2A amended effective April 11, 1994 (21:7 Md. R. 533)
Regulation .13-2A amended effective November 1, 2002 (29:15 Md. R. 1647); amended effective 49:1 Md. R. 14, eff. 1/13/2022