Md. Code Regs. 19A.07.01.06

Current through Register Vol. 52, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section 19A.07.01.06 - Lobbyist Disclosure - Boards and Commissions
A. At the time a regulated lobbyist is appointed to serve on a board or commission subject to the jurisdiction of the Ethics Commission, or at the time a board or commission member becomes subject to the lobbying regulations, the regulated lobbyist shall file a report:
(1) Within 5 calendar days of the dual status measured from later of:
(a) The date of registration as a lobbyist;
(b) The date of oath of office as a member of the board or commission; or
(c) If no oath of office is required, the date of official notification of appointment by the appointing authority;
(2) Using the electronic registration system provided by the Ethics Commission;
(3) Under penalty of perjury;
(4) With a copy sent to the Appointing Authority; and
(5) Providing the following information:
(a) For any current representation of a person for compensation before a State governmental unit, except in a judicial or quasi-judicial proceeding:
(i) The name of the regulated lobbyist;
(ii) The person or entity represented for compensation;
(iii) The name of the State agency;
(iv) The services performed; and
(v) The monetary consideration;
(b) For any current representation of a State agency for compensation, any contractual relationship with State government, or any transaction with State government for monetary consideration:
(i) The name of the regulated lobbyist;
(ii) The name of the agency or governmental unit with which the regulated lobbyist has a financial relationship; and
(iii) The services performed or details of any contractual relationship or the transaction entered into;
(c) For any current interest held by the regulated lobbyist, the regulated lobbyist's spouse or dependent children, together or separately having either 10 percent or more of the capital stock, or stock worth $35,000 or more, in a corporation subject to regulation by or doing business with the board or commission, or any interest in a partnership, limited liability partnership, or limited liability company subject to regulation by or doing business with the board or commission:
(i) The name of the regulated lobbyist;
(ii) The name of the immediate family member and relationship for any interest held together or separately;
(iii) The name of the corporation, partnership, limited liability partnership, or limited liability company; and
(iv) The nature of the interest held;
(d) The primary employer of the spouse of the regulated lobbyist; and
(e) The name of any business entity from which the regulated lobbyist or the spouse of the regulated lobbyist receives earned income as a result of an ownership interest in the business.
B. The regulated lobbyist shall update the information required by §A of this regulation as required to reflect the regulated lobbyist's current registrations throughout each reporting period.
C. Whenever an issue arises within the board or commission related to the information disclosed in accordance with §A of this regulation, the regulated lobbyist member shall submit a statement of recusal from discussion of, voting on, or any other action required by the circumstances concerning the issue:
(1) On a form provided by the Ethics Commission;
(2) To the board or commission for inclusion in the minutes of the meeting; and
(3) Which includes:
(a) The name of the regulated lobbyist;
(b) The subject area of the conflict; and
(c) The reason for the recusal.
D. In addition to the disclosure requirements set forth in this regulation, regulated lobbyists who are public officials solely because of their participation on boards or commissions are subject to the conflict of interest requirements set forth in State Government Article, Title 15, Subtitle 5, Annotated Code of Maryland.

Md. Code Regs. 19A.07.01.06

Regulations .06 adopted as an emergency provision effective October 31, 2002 (29:20 Md. R. 1584); adopted permanently effective January 20, 2003 (30:1 Md. R. 27); amended effective 44:1 Md. R. 12, eff. 1/16/2017; amended effective 44:23 Md. R. 1079, eff. 11/23/2017; amended effective 47:10 Md. R. 520, eff. 5/18/2020