Md. Code Regs.

Current through Register Vol. 52, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section - Program Security
A. An OADPO program shall implement protocols for the safety and security of program locations, equipment, and staff.
B. OADPO program staff shall:
(1) Wear suitable clothing, including closed footwear, at all times;
(2) Treat all body fluids as potentially infectious and follow infection control protocols at all times including:
(a) Use of barriers including gloves;
(b) Immediate washing of hands and other skin surfaces after contact with body fluids; and
(c) Careful handling and disposal of sharp instruments during and after use;
(3) When working off-site, have access to a communications system that allows staff to stay in contact with:
(a) Other staff; and
(b) Emergency support;
(4) Obtain consent of the owner or occupier of private property to enter the property to dispense or collect syringes or hypodermic needles; and
(5) Transport biohazardous waste to the disposal facility using a method that does not put any individuals at risk.
C. OADPO programs shall:
(1) Have a critical incident procedure that outlines processes and responsibilities of program staff for managing incidents including:
(a) Participant aggression;
(b) Threats of violence; and
(c) Other hazardous situations;
(2) Have available the following safety equipment during program operations:
(a) Puncture resistant utility gloves;
(b) Bleach; and
(c) Forceps or tongs;
(3) Have facilities that:
(a) Have adequate lighting; and
(b) Are free from clutter; and
(4) Have a
(a) Contract with a licensed biohazardous waste disposal facility to receive biohazardous waste; or
(b) Written agreement that authorizes the OADPO program to drop off used syringes contained in a locked sharps container for safe disposal with a:
(i) Hospital;
(ii) Doctor's office;
(iii) Pharmacy;
(iv) Medical testing facilitiy; or
(v) Other facility that already receives and safely disposes of hazardous waste
D. To prevent needlestick injuries, OADPO program participants, staff, volunteers, and any other individuals present at the facility in an occupational capacity shall:
(1) Receive education on safety protocols for:
(a) Carrying and handling:
(i) Syringes;
(ii) Hypodermic needles; and
(iii) Other sharps;
(b) The transport and disposal of biohazardous waste; and
(c) Infection control;
(2) Refrain from touching, without safety equipment, used:
(a) Hypodermic needles;
(b) Syringes; and
(c) Injection supplies; and
(3) Be encouraged to wear clothing at all times that provides protection against needlestick injuries including:
(a) Long pants; and
(b) Long-sleeved shirts.
E. Use of Sharps Containers.
(1) Used hypodermic needles, syringes, and injection supplies collected by the program from participants shall be placed in sharps containers.
(2) Sharps containers:
(a) Shall be leak proof;
(b) Shall be rigid;
(c) Shall be puncture resistant;
(d) Shall be labeled as containing sharps;
(e) Shall be placed on a level, secure surface that is a safe distance between participants and staff or volunteers during syringe exchange transactions; and
(f) May not be more than 75 percent full.
(3) Participants shall:
(a) Place into the sharps container all used:
(i) Hypodermic needles;
(ii) Syringes; and
(iii) Injection supplies;
(b) When possible, retrieve supplies that fall outside of the sharps container, including:
(i) Hypodermic needles;
(ii) Syringes; and
(iii) Injection supplies; and
(c) When possible, cover supplies used by the participant including:
(i) Hypodermic needles;
(ii) Syringes; and
(iii) Injection supplies.
F. Needlestick Injuries.
(1) OADPO programs shall implement protocols for handling needlestick injuries.
(2) OADPO programs shall designate at least one needlestick manager who shall:
(a) Assist injured individuals present at the facility including:
(i) Participants;
(ii) Staff;
(iii) Volunteers; and
(iv) Any other individuals present in an occupational capacity;
(b) Follow established procedures for accident or incident reporting; and
(c) Immediately notify the ranking supervisor of any needlestick injuries.
(3) Participants, staff, volunteers, and any other individuals present at the facility in an occupational capacity shall:
(a) Report a needlestick injury to the on-site needlestick manager immediately; and
(b) Visit the emergency room or a private physician within 24 hours of the occurrence.
G. Post-Exposure Management. OADPO programs shall implement protocols for post-exposure management including:
(1) Testing; and
(2) Post-exposure prophylaxis.

Md. Code Regs.

Regulation .06 adopted effective 44:8 Md. R. 404, eff. 4/24/2017