Md. Code Regs.

Current through Register Vol. 52, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section - Continuing Education
A. Requirements.
(1) A pharmacy technician registered to practice in Maryland shall:
(a) Earn 20 hours of approved continuing pharmaceutical education within the 2-year period immediately preceding the registrant's renewal application; and
(b) If the registrant administers a vaccine in accordance with Regulation .03 of this chapter, earn 2 hours of continuing pharmaceutical education focused on vaccination as part of the 20 hours of continuing pharmaceutical education required for renewal.
(2) For the first renewal period during which continuing education is mandatory for a pharmacy technician, the Board of Pharmacy shall require only 10 hours of continuing education requirements.
(3) A pharmacy technician shall:
(a) Attest to the fact that the pharmacy technician has completed the continuing pharmacy technician education requirement on the required form; and
(b) Retain supporting documents for inspection by the Board for 4 years after the date of renewal for which the continuing education credits were used.
B. Accredited Continuing Education Providers.
(1) The following providers are approved for any programs they offer which otherwise qualify for continuing education credit:
(a) Accreditation Council on Pharmaceutical Education (ACPE);
(b) All schools of pharmacy accredited by the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP); and
(c) Out-of-State providers approved by a state board of pharmacy.
(2) Procedures for Approval of Additional Programs.
(a) Other providers shall initially request Board approval for individual programs.
(b) An approved program is valid for a 2-year period.
(c) The approved provider shall submit to the Board changes to the program that differ from the initial submission of information for Board approval.
(d) Failure to submit to the Board changes to an approved program may result in the Board withdrawing approval of the program.
(3) Providers of continuing education shall furnish a certificate of completion to participants who qualify that includes the:
(a) Name of the participant;
(b) Name of the provider;
(c) Description of course work;
(d) Number of hours;
(e) Date of completion; and
(f) Program identification number or provider number on the certificate.
C. Miscellaneous.
(1) Credits may not be carried over from one continuing education period to another.
(2) The Board of Pharmacy may grant an exception from the continuing education requirements if the pharmacy technician presents evidence that failure to comply was due to circumstances beyond the pharmacy technician's control.
(3) Falsifying continuing education records is grounds for disciplinary action under Health Occupations Article, § 12-6B-09(2) and (3), Annotated Code of Maryland.
(4) If the Board provides a form for information, the pharmacy technician shall use the form to supply the requested information to the Board.

Md. Code Regs.

Regulations .10 recodified from .09 effective 50:26 Md. R. 1132, eff. 1/8/2024; amended effective 51:22 Md. R. 957-1028, eff. 11/11/2024.