Current through Register Vol. 52, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section - Payments, Terms and Conditions of Grant Awards, and TerminationsA. Payments Under the Grant. (1) The Department may not make more than quarterly payments during the grant period to a grantee awarded a grant under this chapter.(2) Before the first payment under the grant, at the request of the grantee in their submitted grant application, the Department may approve an advanced payment for the grant based on financial need.(3) If a financial or progress report required in §B or C of this regulation is overdue, the Department may withhold payment until the report is submitted.B. Financial Reports and Records. (1) A grantee shall: (a) Establish a separate account to track expenditures under the grant;(b) Maintain accurate records, including documentation of each transaction pertaining to the grant; and(c) Submit to the Department quarterly invoices for payment and an annual financial expenditure report containing the signature of the financial officer of the entity affiliated with the grant award.(2) The Department may audit the accounts referenced in §B(1) of this regulation at any time.(3) Within 90 days after the date the grant period ends, a grantee shall submit to the Department: (a) A final financial expenditure report; and(b) A refund of any unexpended funds.(4) A grantee shall retain all records pertaining to a grant award for 3 years from the date the final financial expenditure report is submitted under §B(3) of this regulation.(5) In the case of an audit or litigation, the Department may extend the time period under §B(3) or (4) of this regulation until the completion of the audit or litigation.C. Progress Reports. (1) A grantee shall submit to the Program one electronic copy of:(a) An interim report describing the progress of the grant: (i) 6 months after the date of award of the grant; and(ii) Every 6 months until the end of the grant; and(b) Not later than 60 days after the date the grant period ends, a comprehensive final report, that provides a summary of all of the activity conducted under the grant.(2) The Department shall keep research results confidential as required by Health-General Article, §§4-101 -4-103, Annotated Code of Maryland.D. Publications. (1) A grantee who publishes results from activities supported by a grant approved by the Secretary under this chapter shall include in the publication the following acknowledgement: "Supported in part with funds from the Cord Blood Transplant Center Support Fund of the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene."(2) A grantee shall provide the Department with one electronic copy of any published article pertaining to the activities conducted under the grant.E. Ownership of Equipment. A grantee: (1) Shall ensure that equipment purchased under a grant under this chapter is used for the sole purpose of the grant;(2) Shall keep an inventory of all equipment purchased; and(3) May not transfer the equipment to another entity without the written permission of the Department.F. Termination. (1) The Secretary may terminate a grant: (a) If a grantee fails to comply with: (i) The requirements of this chapter; or(ii) State, federal, and municipal laws applicable to the performance of research under the grant;(b) If a grantee fails to carry out the purposes for which the grant was awarded;(c) In compliance with a court order; or(d) At the request of the grantee.(2) The Department and the State are not responsible for any expenses incurred by a grantee after cancellation of a grant.(3) The grantee shall return all unexpended funds to the Department within 60 days of termination of a grant.G. Compliance with Existing Laws. A grantee shall ensure that an activity conducted in the performance of the grant is in compliance with all State, federal, and local laws.H. Liability. (1) A grantee is solely responsible for the institution's actions relating to the grant-making process or pertaining to activities conducted under a grant award.(2) The State and the Department are not liable for any claims, losses, liabilities, expenses, or damages arising from activities relating to the grant-making process or conducted under a grant awarded under this chapter.I. Grant Agreements. A grantee shall enter into a grant agreement with the Department.Md. Code Regs.
Effective date: 41:8 Md. R. 472, eff.4/28/2014