Md. Code Regs.

Current through Register Vol. 52, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section - Salmonellosis
A. Control of a Case.
(1) For a case with diarrhea due to or presumed due to salmonellosis, a health officer shall restrict or exclude a case from:
(a) Attending a child care facility; or
(b) Participating in an occupation involving:
(i) Food handling;
(ii) Patient care; or
(iii) Care of young children or the elderly.
(2) For a case who has been without diarrhea for at least 24 hours, unless a health officer otherwise restricts or excludes the case based on Regulation .06D of this chapter, the case may:
(a) Attend a child care facility; and
(b) Participate in an occupation involving:
(i) Food handling;
(ii) Patient care; or
(iii) Care of young children or the elderly.
(3) If a health officer has restricted or excluded a case under §A(1) of this regulation or Regulation .06D of this chapter, the health officer shall approve resumption of child care attendance or occupational duties when:
(a) The case's fecal cultures are Salmonella-free on two consecutive specimens collected:
(i) Not less than 24 hours apart; and
(ii) If antibiotics have been given, not sooner thamjmt hours following discontinuation of antibiotics; or
(b) The health officer determines that the likelihood of disease transmission is low.
B. Control of Contacts at Increased Risk of Transmitting Salmonellosis.
(1) A health officer shall restrict or exclude from child care or an occupational setting a contact who has diarrhea, until at least 24 hours after diarrhea ceases, if the contact is in the household of a case or is a close contact who:
(a) Attends a child care facility; or
(b) Participates in an occupation involving:
(i) Food handling;
(ii) Patient care; or
(iii) Care of young children or the elderly.
(2) If an individual is a contact of a case as specified in §B(1) of this regulation, and that individual has diarrhea at the time of the health department's investigation of the case, then the contact shall submit for examination two fecal specimens taken not:
(a) Less than 24 hours apart; and
(b) Sooner than 48 hours following discontinuation of antibiotics if antibiotics have been given.
(3) If either of the specimens referred to in §B(2) of this regulation is positive for Salmonella, a health officer shall consider the contact to be a case, and the control measures specified in §A of this regulation apply.
C. Infection Control. A health care provider shall practice standard precautions.
D. Control of Carriers. A health care provider shall apply the same control measures to carriers as to cases.

Md. Code Regs.

Regulations .16 adopted effective December 26, 1980 (7:26 Md. R. 2420)
Regulations .16 repealed effective August 7, 1989 (16:15 Md. R. 1650)
Regulations .16 adopted effective August 7, 1989 (16:15 Md. R. 1650); amended effective 47:9 Md. R. 516, eff. 5/18/2020