Md. Code Regs. 01.01.2010.21
Current through Register Vol. 52, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section 01.01.2010.21 - Maryland Warrior to Worker InitiativeA. Establishment.There is a Governor's Warrior to Worker Council (Council).B. Duties.The Council shall: (1) Advise and assist the Governor and the Secretary of the Department of Budget and Management in establishing a coordinated statewide effort to expand veterans' employment opportunities;(2) Oversee the implementation of the Warrior to Worker Initiative described in Paragraph E of this Executive Order;(3) Oversee the development of the Strategic Plans described in Paragraph F of this Executive Order;(4) Serve as a State forum for promoting veterans' training, education, and employment services in Maryland;(5) Establish goals and performance measures to assess the effectiveness of the Initiative;(6) Promote the delivery of the highest quality services to Maryland veterans in the most accessible and efficient manner possible; and(7) Submit an annual report to the Governor on the activities of the Council and the results of the Initiative.C. Membership. The Council is a subcabinet of the Governor and shall consist of the heads of the following State agencies or their designee and such other executive branch agencies as the Governor may designate:(1) The Department of Veterans Affairs;(2) The Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation;(3) The Department of Budget and Management;(4) The Governor's Workforce Investment Board;(5) The Department of the Military;(6) The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene;(7) The Maryland Higher Education Commission;(8) The Department of Business and Economic Development; and(9) The Department of Disabilities.D. Procedures. (1) The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall chair the Council.The Chair shall:(a) Oversee the implementation of this Executive Order and direct the work of the Council;(b) Determine the Council's agenda;(c) Except as provided in Paragraph F of this Executive Order, establish subcommittees, and appoint subcommittee chairs, as necessary, to carry out the work of the Council;(d) Assign a staff member to serve as an Executive Director to support the Council's activities; and(e) Identify additional support as needed.(2) The Secretary of Budget and Management shall serve as the Vice Chair of the Council.(3) The Council shall meet at the call of the Chair, at least four times annually.(4) A majority of the Council members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business.(5) The Council may adopt other procedures or bylaws as necessary to ensure the orderly transaction of business.E. The Maryland Warrior to Worker Initiative.There is a Maryland Warrior to Worker Initiative (Initiative).The Initiative will to enhance employment opportunities for veterans within State government and promote employment, education, and training opportunities for veterans throughout Maryland.All State agencies shall participate in the Initiative and shall, as appropriate and to the extent permitted by law: (1) Develop an agency-specific operational plan for the implementation of the Strategic Plans described in Paragraph F of this Executive Order, consistent with applicable law, merit system principles, the agency's human resources plan, and other applicable workforce planning strategies and initiatives; and(2) Within 120 days of the issuance of this Executive Order, designate an agency officer or employee to implement the Initiative within each agency.F. Strategic Plans. (1) The Veterans Recruitment for State Employment Strategic Plan.Within 90 days after the first meeting of the Council, a subcommittee of the Council, established and chaired by the Secretary of Budget and Management, shall develop a Veterans Recruitment for State Employment Strategic Plan.This Plan shall address ways to enhance the employment opportunities of veterans in State government and shall be updated every three years.The Plan shall focus on:(a) Identifying actions that agency officials should take to improve employment opportunities for veterans;(b) Marketing State Government as an employer of choice to service members and veterans;(c) Making State agencies aware of the talent, experience, and dedication that service members and veterans offer as employees;(d) Promoting the recruitment and employment of veterans in State government;(e) Disseminating employment information to veterans and hiring officials;(f) Identifying key occupations, focusing on positions in high-demand occupations where talent is needed, for which the State may provide job counseling to veterans and service personnel; and(g) Compiling government-wide statistics on the hiring of veterans.(2) The Veterans Skills and Education Strategic Plan.Within 90 days after the first meeting of the Council, a subcommittee of the Council, established and chaired by the Secretary of Labor, Licensing and Regulation shall develop a Veterans Skills and Education Strategic Plan.This plan shall address ways to enhance the education, training, and employment opportunities for veterans in Maryland and shall be updated every three years.The plan shall focus on:(a) Developing and implementing counseling, training, and outreach programs to create an improved pipeline from military service to Maryland's skilled workforce; and(b) Promoting opportunities for apprenticeships, scholarships, and higher education for veterans in Maryland.Md. Code Regs. 01.01.2010.21
Effective Date: October 4, 2010.