94-411-803 Me. Code R. § 8

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025

Payment of benefits to members under The Plan is subject to the provisions of 5 M.R.S. §§18403 - 18405-A, 18409-18413. If, upon electing to participate in The Plan, a participating local district elects a special benefit plan other than the special benefit plan that a member is then covered under, the member may elect to continue under the special benefit plan under which the member is then covered. The member's election must be made as of the date on which the district's participation in The Plan begins and may not be changed thereafter. Members having membership service under special plans prior to July 1, 1977, are entitled to the alternative benefit computation based on that service in accordance with the applicable provision of 5 M.R.S. §18453. A member who does not qualify to retire under a special service retirement plan may retire under a regular service retirement plan at any time after the member qualifies under Section 7. The service retirement benefit for all service is computed as provided in Section 7.

1.Special Benefit Plan 1C. Special Benefit Plan 1C may be elected by any participating local district or local district for police officers, firefighters, sheriffs, full-time deputy sheriffs, county corrections employees who are employed at a county jail and whose duties include contact with prisoners or juvenile detainees, and emergency medical services persons as defined in Title 32 M.R.S. §83, sub-§ 12, including but not limited to first responders, emergency medical technicians, advanced emergency medical technicians and paramedics.
A.Contribution Rate. Subject to Section 15, subsection 1, and to the rate caps under Section 9, employer and employee contributions shall be set annually by the Board based on the recommendations of the System's actuary in accordance with the following:
(1) The Plan's unfunded actuarial liability as of June 30, 2018, shall be paid in an actuarially sound manner and allocated between the employer and employee in a ratio approved by the Board based on the recommendation of the Participating Local District Advisory Committee;
(2) Any Plan unfunded actuarial liability created beginning July 1, 2018, shall be paid through employer and employee contributions allocated 58% to the employer and 4 2% to the employee; and
(3) The normal cost shall be paid through employer and employee contributions allocated 58% to the employer and 42% to the employee.
B.Qualification for Benefit
(1) A member qualifies for a service retirement benefit under this subsection when the member has completed 20 years of creditable service as an employee in one or more of the types of employment specified in this subsection and specified by the district as covered under this plan. If the member had creditable service under a special plan with the member's current employer before that employer's employees became members under The Plan, that creditable service is counted when determining the member's qualification for this benefit;
(2) A member who has accrued service credits under a regular service retirement plan before accruing service under this plan, and for whom the regular plan service credits are considered service under The Plan as provided by Section 4, subsection 1, may use those service credits toward qualifying to retire under this plan at the rate of one year of special plan service credit for each two years of regular plan service credit; and
(3) Except for employees who are entitled, under the current employer's plan in effect before the employer's employees become members under The Plan, to use military service credits to qualify for service retirement benefits, service credits for service in the Armed Forces before becoming a member, under Section 6, subsection 4, paragraph B, apply only to additional retirement benefits under this plan and the service credits do not apply to service requirements to qualify for retirement benefits.
(4) Service credits for law enforcement service before becoming a member, under Section 6, subsection 10, apply only to additional retirement benefits under this plan and the service credits do not apply to service requirements to qualify for retirement benefits.
C.Computation of Benefit. Subject to the requirements of Section 4, subsections 5 and 6, the total amount of the service retirement benefit for a member qualified under paragraph B, equals 1/2 of the member's average final compensation and, subject to the limitations of subsection J, an additional 2% of the member's average final compensation for each year of creditable service not included in determining qualification under paragraph B.
(1) If the member had creditable service under a special plan, with the member's current employer, before that employer's employees became members under The Plan, that creditable service is used when calculating the benefit under this paragraph.
(2) If the member had creditable service with an employer other than the member's current employer before becoming a member under The Plan for which the member's current employer has not accepted liability, and for which the member has not made the election under 5 M.R.S. §18253, sub-§1, paragraph E, the benefit for that creditable service is calculated on the basis of creditable service and earnable compensation with the previous employer and in accordance with the previous employer's regular service retirement plan immediately before the previous employer's employees became members under The Plan or the previous employer withdrew from the System. If the previous employer has neither begun participation in The Plan nor withdrawn from the System, the benefit is calculated on the basis of the previous employer's plan at the time of the member's retirement.
D.Cost of Living Adjustments. All benefits based upon creditable service under this service retirement benefit plan are subject to cost of living adjustments as provided by Section 9. Benefits based upon creditable service earned before a member was under The Plan will be subject to cost of living adjustments only if the employer's plan provided for cost of living adjustments.
2.Special Benefit Plan 1N. Special Benefit Plan 1N may be elected by any participating local district or local district.

This benefit plan is identical to Special Benefit Plan 1C, except that there is no provision for cost of living adjustments.

3.Special Benefit Plan 2C. Special Benefit Plan 2C may be elected by any participating local district or local district for police officers, firefighters, sheriffs, full-time deputy sheriffs, county corrections employees who are employed at a county jail and whose duties include contact with prisoners or juvenile detainees, emergency medical services persons as defined in Title 32 M.R.S. §83, sub-§ 12, including but not limited to first responders, emergency medical technicians, advanced emergency medical technicians and paramedics, and dispatchers as defined in 5 M.R.S. §18313, sub-§ 1. A district may also elect this plan for all of its employees.
A.Contribution Rate. Subject to Section 15, subsection 1, and to the rate caps under Section 9, employer and employee contributions shall be set annually by the Board based on the recommendations of the System's actuary in accordance with the following:
(1) The Plan's unfunded actuarial liability as of June 30, 2018, shall be paid in an actuarially sound manner and allocated between the employer and employee in a ratio approved by the Board based on the recommendation of the Participating Local District Advisory Committee;
(2) Any Plan unfunded actuarial liability created beginning July 1, 2018, shall be paid through employer and employee contributions allocated 58% to the employer and 4 2% to the employee; and
(3) The normal cost shall be paid through employer and employee contributions allocated 58% to the employer and 42% to the employee.
B.Qualification for Benefit
(1) A member qualifies for a service retirement benefit under this subsection when the member has completed 25 years of creditable service as an employee in one or more of the types of employment specified in this subsection and specified by the district as covered under this plan. If the member had creditable service under a special plan with the member's current employer before that employer's employees became members under The Plan, that creditable service is counted when determining the member's qualification for this benefit; and
(2) A member who has accrued service credits under a regular service retirement plan before accruing service under this plan, and for whom the regular plan service credits are considered service under The Plan as provided by Section 4, subsection 1, may use those service credits toward qualifying to retire under this plan at the rate of two years of special plan service credit for each three years of regular plan service credit.
C.Computation of Benefit. Subject to the requirements of Section 4, subsections 5 and 6, the total amount of the service retirement benefit for a member qualified under paragraph 2, equals 1/2 of the member's average final compensation and, subject to the limitations of subsection J, an additional 2% of the member's average final compensation for each year of creditable service not included in determining qualification under paragraph B.
(1) If the member had creditable service under a special plan, with the member's current employer, before that employer's employees became members under The Plan, that creditable service is used when calculating the benefit under this paragraph.
(2) If the member had creditable service with an employer other than the member's current employer before becoming a member under The Plan for which the member's current employer has not accepted liability, and for which the member has not made the election under 5 M.R.S. §18253, sub-§1, paragraph E, the benefit for that creditable service is calculated on the basis of creditable service and earnable compensation with the previous employer and in accordance with the previous employer's regular service retirement plan immediately before the previous employer's employees became members under The Plan or the previous employer withdrew from the System. If the previous employer has neither begun participation in The Plan nor withdrawn from the System, the benefit is calculated on the basis of the previous employer's plan at the time of the member's retirement.
D.Cost of Living Adjustments. All benefits based upon creditable service under this service retirement benefit plan are subject to cost of living adjustments as provided by Section 9. Benefits based upon creditable service earned before a member was under The Plan will be subject to cost of living adjustments only if the employer's plan provided for cost of living adjustments.
4.Special Benefit Plan 2N. Special Benefit Plan 2N may be elected by any participating local district or local district.

This benefit plan is identical to Special Benefit Plan 2C, except that there is no provision for cost of living adjustments.

5.Special Benefit Plan 3C. Special Benefit Plan 3C may be elected by any participating local district or local district for police officers, firefighters, sheriffs, full-time deputy sheriffs, county corrections employees who are employed at a county jail and whose duties include contact with prisoners or juvenile detainees, emergency medical services persons as defined in Title 32 M.R.S. §83, sub-§ 12, including but not limited to first responders, emergency medical technicians, advanced emergency medical technicians and paramedics, and dispatchers as defined in 5 M.R.S. §18313, sub-§ 1.
A.Contribution Rate. The contribution rate for members under Special Benefit Plan 3C is as set out below until the completion of 25 years of creditable service under this special benefit plan, after which the members contribute at the same rate of earnable compensation as paid by members who contribute under Regular Plan AC as set forth in Section 7, subsection 1, paragraph A. Subject to Section 15, subsection 1, and to the rate caps under Section 9, employer and employee contributions shall be set annually by the Board based on the recommendations of the System's actuary in accordance with the following:
(1) The Plan's unfunded actuarial liability as of June 30, 2018, shall be paid in an actuarially sound manner and allocated between the employer and employee in a ratio approved by the Board based on the recommendation of the Participating Local District Advisory Committee;
(2) Any Plan unfunded actuarial liability created beginning July 1, 2018, shall be paid through employer and employee contributions allocated 58% to the employer and 4 2% to the employee; and
(3) The normal cost shall be paid through employer and employee contributions allocated 58% to the employer and 42% to the employee.
B.Qualification for Benefit
(1) A member qualifies for a service retirement benefit under this subsection when the member has completed 25 years of creditable service as an employee in one or more of the types of employment specified in this subsection and specified by the district as covered under this plan. If the member had creditable service under a special plan with the member's current employer before that employer's employees became members under The Plan, that creditable service is counted when determining the member's qualification for this benefit; and
(2) A member who has accrued service credits under a regular service retirement plan before accruing service under this plan, and for whom the regular plan service credits are considered service under The Plan as provided by Section 4, subsection 1, may use those service credits toward qualifying to retire under this plan at the rate of two years of special plan service credit for each three years of regular plan service credit.
C.Computation of Benefit. Subject to the requirements of Section 4, subsections 5 and 6, the total amount of the service retirement benefit for a member qualified under paragraph 2, equals 2/3 of the member's average final compensation and, subject to the limitations of subsection J, an additional 2% of the member's average final compensation for each year of creditable service not included in determining qualification under paragraph B.
(1) If the member had creditable service under a special plan, with the member's current employer, before that employer's employees became members under The Plan, that creditable service is used when calculating the benefit under this paragraph.
(2) If the member had creditable service with an employer other than the member's current employer before becoming a member under The Plan for which the member's current employer has not accepted liability, and for which the member has not made the election under 5 M.R.S. §18253, sub-§1, paragraph E, the benefit for that creditable service is calculated on the basis of creditable service and earnable compensation with the previous employer and in accordance with the previous employer's regular service retirement plan immediately before the previous employer's employees became members under The Plan or the previous employer withdrew from the System. If the previous employer has neither begun participation in The Plan nor withdrawn from the System, the benefit is calculated on the basis of the previous employer's plan at the time of the member's retirement.
D.Cost of Living Adjustments. All benefits based upon creditable service under this service retirement benefit plan are subject to cost of living adjustments as provided by Section 9. Benefits based upon creditable service earned before a member was under The Plan will be subject to cost of living adjustments only if the employer's plan provided for cost of living adjustments.
6.Special Benefit Plan 3N. Special Benefit Plan 3N may be elected by any participating local district or local district.

This benefit plan is identical to Special Benefit Plan 3C, except that there is no provision for cost of living adjustments.

7.Special Benefit Plan 4C. Special Benefit Plan 4C may be elected by any participating local district or local district for police officers, firefighters, sheriffs, full-time deputy sheriffs, county corrections employees who are employed at a county jail and whose duties include contact with prisoners or juvenile detainees, emergency medical services persons as defined in Title 32 M.R.S. §83, sub-§ 12, including but not limited to first responders, emergency medical technicians, advanced emergency medical technicians and paramedics, and dispatchers as defined in 5 M.R.S. §18313, sub-§ 1.
A.Contribution Rate. The contribution rate for members under Special Benefit Plan 4C is as set out below until the completion of 25 years of creditable service under this special benefit plan, after which the members contribute at the same rate of earnable compensation as paid by members who contribute under Regular Plan AC as set forth in Section 7, subsection 1, paragraph A. Subject to Section 15, subsection 1, and to the rate caps under Section 9, employer and employee contributions shall be set annually by the Board based on the recommendations of the System's actuary in accordance with the following:
(1) The Plan's unfunded actuarial liability as of June 30, 2018, shall be paid in an actuarially sound manner and allocated between the employer and employee in a ratio approved by the Board based on the recommendation of the Participating Local District Advisory Committee;
(2) Any Plan unfunded actuarial liability created beginning July 1, 2018, shall be paid through employer and employee contributions allocated 58% to the employer and 4 2% to the employee; and
(3) The normal cost shall be paid through employer and employee contributions allocated 58% to the employer and 42% to the employee.
B.Qualification for Benefit
(1) A member qualifies for a service retirement benefit under this subsection when the member has completed 25 years of creditable service as an employee in one or more of the types of employment specified in this subsection and specified by the district as covered under this plan. If the member had creditable service under a special plan with the member's current employer before that employer's employees became members under The Plan, that creditable service is counted when determining the member's qualification for this benefit; and
(2) A member who has accrued service credits under a regular service retirement plan before accruing service under this plan, and for whom the regular plan service credits are considered service under The Plan as provided by Section 4, subsection 1, may use those service credits toward qualifying to retire under this plan at the rate of two years of special plan service credit for each three years of regular plan service credit.
C.Computation of Benefit. Subject to the requirements of Section 4, subsections 5 and 6, the total amount of the service retirement benefit for a member qualified under paragraph B, equals:
(1) If the member retires after reaching age 55, 1/50 of the member's average final compensation multiplied by the number of years of creditable service;
(2) If the member retires before reaching age 55, 1/50 of the member's average final compensation multiplied by the number of years of creditable service reduced as follows:
(a) For a member who was covered by The Plan prior to July 1, 2014, who has 20 or more years of creditable service under The Plan as of July 1, 2019, the benefit is reduced by applying to that amount the percentage that a life annuity due at age 55 bears to the life annuity due at the age of retirement.
(b) For a member who was not covered by The Plan prior to July 1, 2014, but who, pursuant to Title 5, Section 18253, has 20 or more years of creditable service under The Plan as of July 1, 2019, the benefit is reduced by 6% for each year that the member's age precedes 55 years of age.
(c) For all other members, the benefit is reduced to reflect the full actuarial impact of the early retirement. At the election of the member, any cost of living adjustments pursuant to Section 9 shall not be applied until the member has reached age 55, and the actuarial impact shall reflect this election.
(3) If the member had creditable service under a special plan, with the member's current employer, before that employer's employees became members under The Plan, that creditable service is used when calculating the benefit under this paragraph.
(4) If the member had creditable service with an employer other than the member's current employer before becoming a member under The Plan for which the member's current employer has not accepted liability, and for which the member has not made the election under 5 M.R.S. §18253, sub-§1, paragraph E, the benefit for that creditable service is calculated on the basis of creditable service and earnable compensation with the previous employer and in accordance with the previous employer's regular service retirement plan immediately before the previous employer's employees became members under The Plan or the previous employer withdrew from the System. If the previous employer has neither begun participation in The Plan nor withdrawn from the System, the benefit is calculated on the basis of the previous employer's plan at the time of the member's retirement.
D.Cost of Living Adjustments. Subject to paragraph C, subparagraph 2, all benefits based upon creditable service under this service retirement benefit plan are subject to cost of living adjustments as provided by Section 9. Benefits based upon creditable service earned before a member was under The Plan will be subject to cost of living adjustments only if the employer's plan provided for cost of living adjustments.
8.Special Benefit Plan 4N. Special Benefit Plan 4N may be elected by any participating local district or local district.

This benefit plan is identical to Special Benefit Plan 4C, except that there is no provision for cost of living adjustments.

9.Transfer from Special Plan Position to Non-Special Plan Position Due to Disability. A member who has not completed the service requirements for retirement under a special service retirement benefit plan, upon becoming disabled as defined in section 18521, and upon becoming reemployed in a position not under a special service retirement benefit plan shall upon retirement receive retirement benefits as follows:
A. The part of the member's service retirement based upon membership service before becoming disabled shall be computed according to the formula for computing benefits under the member's previous special plan.
B. The part of the member's service retirement based upon membership service after becoming reemployed in a position not under a special plan shall be computed according to the formula for computing benefits under the member's previous special plan.
C. If the member is found to be no longer disabled, as defined in section 18521, the member may:
(1) Return to a position in the member's previous special plan; or
(2) Remain in the position which is not under a special plan and have the part of the member's service retirement benefit based upon post-disability service computed in accordance with the applicable regular service retirement benefit plan under Section 7.
D. The executive director may require that a member subject to this subsection submit records and undergo medical examinations or tests to determine the member's disability for purposes of paragraph C.
(1) If the member refuses to submit records or undergo the examination or tests under this paragraph, the member's retirement benefit shall be based upon the applicable regular service retirement benefit plan under Section 7 until the member withdraws the refusal.
(2) If the member's refusal under subparagraph 1 continues for one year, all the member's rights to any further benefit under this subsection shall cease.
10.Additional 2% Benefit. The additional 2% of average final compensation benefit provided to members under the special service retirement plans in this section is applicable only to service credits earned with relation to service rendered after a member becomes a member under The Plan. A member is also entitled to this benefit for service rendered before becoming a member under The Plan to the extent that the member was entitled to the benefit under the member's current employer's retirement plan that was in effect immediately before the employer's employees became members under The Plan.

94-411 C.M.R. ch. 803, § 8