1. Project Name:______________________________________________________________2. Location: City/County:_________________________________________________________USGS Quadrangle:___________________________________________________________
UTM Coordinates:___________________________________________________________
Other Location References:_____________________________________________________
3. Type of Investigation:_________________________________________________________4. Principal Investigator:_________________________________________________________5. Reporter:__________________________________________________________________6. Did survey cover entire area of direct and indirect environmental impact of project? _____ Yes _____No. If "no", attach explanation.7. Dates of Fieldwork:___________________________________________________________8. Attach map(s) of area(s) surveyed.9. Attach list of personnel on survey team.10. Repository for notes:__________________________________________________________11. Repository for artifacts:________________________________________________________12. Environment: (a) Attach description of contemporary environment (ca.1 pg.).(b) Attach description of likely relevant prehistoric and/or historic environments, with bases for reconstruction (ca. 1-2 pg.).13. Research Topics: Attach description of research topics that influenced decision-making about survey design and/or significance of properties.14. Background Research: (a) Attach list of sources consulted (include informants).(b) Attach brief description of results (prediction of historic property locations, identification of groups using the area, etc.).15. Field Research: (a) Attach description of surface inspection methods (ca. 1 pg.).(b) Attach description of subsurface testing methods (if used).(c) Attach description of other methods and techniques if used (i.e., remote sensing).(d) Attach description of any constraints on the validity of field observations (i.e., adverse weather conditions, obscured visibility, etc.).(e) Attach description of any methods used to control bias in observation and reporting.(f) Attach description of any adjustments made in field methods during survey.16. Attach description of analytic procedures used.17.Historic Properties identified (if any). Attach standard State Inventory Forms.18. Attach evaluation of work reported (ca. 1 pg.).19. Attach research-related conclusions, if any.C.M.R. 94, 089, ch. 812, Report Form for Phase I Survey