I.Low Pressure Areas. A water company shall not extend its mains or render service to new customers in areas where substantially uniform system pressure at the connection of the water service to the main may be expected to fall below 20 p.s.i.g., except for periods of fire flow or system maintenance, unless a limited service contract is executed between the customer and the water company and approved by the Commission. If a customer within a utility's franchise area is willing to enter into a limited service contract, then the utility must provide service to him unless the Commission orders otherwise. The water company shall ensure that the limited service contract shall specify the materials and minimum size for the customer's portion of the service pipe. The limited service contract shall be made expressly subject to the authority of the Commission to require better service when, upon investigation, the Commission concludes that service should be improved. If the number of customers taking service under limited service contract exceeds one per cent of a water utility's total number of customers, the utility shall file a report with the Commission disclosing the number of limited service customers, their locations, and the reasons limited service for these customers appears warranted. The report shall also contain estimates of the cost of increasing pressures to these customers above 20 p.s.i.g. The Commission will review the report and may determine, after hearing, that either improved service or discounts for limited service should be ordered.