Section 389-15-3 - Definition of Terms1. The following words and terms, wherever used in this chapter, shall have the following meaning: A. "Agency" means a department, division, board, institution, or other unit of the Executive Branch, in which all positions are under the same appointing authority.B. "Allocate" means the assignment of a salary grade, subject to budgetary procedures, to an individual position.C. "Appointing Authority" means a person or group of persons empowered by the constitution, by statute, or by lawfully delegated authority to make appointments to positions in the State Service.D. "Benchmark Classification" means a group of positions so sufficiently alike with respect to duties, responsibilities and authority that the same descriptive title may be used with clarity to designate each such position.E. "Classification Plan" means a system of identifying and describing the different kinds and levels of work which comprise the MMS whereby significantly similar positions are grouped under a common Benchmark Classification.F. "Classification Schedule" means the listing of individual positions and their designated pay ranges and any amendment/adjustments thereto, resulting from application of the classification plan.G. "Classify" means to assign an individual position to a benchmark classification.H. "Demotion" means a rate of pay adjusted to a lower rate in another benchmark classification and/or management function.I. "Individual position" means a group of current duties and responsibilities assigned or delegated by competent authority, requiring the employment of one person. Individual positions are assigned within the various Benchmark Classifications.J. "Management Function" means broadly defined series of Benchmark Classifications grouped according to their managerial role.K. "Promotion" means a rate of pay adjusted to a higher rate in another benchmark classification and/or management function.L. "Salary Grade Adjustment" means changing an employee's authorized salary grade, based on evaluated job content.M. "Salary Grade" means an authorized and budgeted minimum, maximum, and intermediate rates of pay (steps).N. "Salary Range" means grades authorized for a benchmark classification.O. "Unclassified employee" is in a job that is excluded from the civil service system. [NOTE: All unclassified positions have a basis in law and are not subject to civil service. MMS employees who fill unclassified positions that are excluded from the collective bargaining process are appointed to serve "at the pleasure" of the hiring authority. Examples of unclassified "serve-at-the-pleasure" positions include cabinet members, heads of State boards and agencies and major policy-influencing appointees.]P. "Transfer" means a change in position or assignment where the rate of pay remains unchanged.18- 389 C.M.R. ch. 15, § 3