Permanent employees may be allowed to be absent from duty without pay for a period not exceeding a total of twelve months in any fourteen consecutive months on the basis of applications for leave without pay approved by their respective appointing authorities and the Director of Human Resources under the following conditions:
Upon application of a probationary or permanent employee, a leave of absence without pay may be granted by an appointing authority for the entire period of disability because of sickness or injury. Such leave need not be limited to one year, but the appointing authority or the Director of Human Resources from time to time, may require that the employee submit a certificate from the attending physician or from a designated physician. In event of a failure or refusal to supply such certificate or if the certificate does not clearly show sufficient disability to preclude the employee from the performance of his/her duties, the appointing authority, with the approval of the Director, may cancel such sick leave and require the employee to report for duty on a specified date.
NOTE: Under provisions of 5 MRSA, Chapter 71, Sub-§2, employees in permanent status in the classified service who accept an appointment to a major policy-influencing position shall have the right, for twelve (12) months subsequent to the major policy-influencing appointment, to be restored to the classified position held immediately prior to the major policy appointment or a position equivalent thereto. Such return will not result in a loss of Civil Service status, seniority, retirement or other rights to which uninterrupted service in the classified position would have provided.
18- 389 C.M.R. ch. 11, § 3